What does Torschlusspanik meaning?

What does Torschlusspanik meaning?

Torschlusspanik is a combination of three German words, and literally translated means “gate-shut-panic.” Apparently the term dates back to the Middle Ages in reference to the panic medieval peasants might have experienced as they rushed to make it back inside the city gates before they closed at nightfall.

How to use Torschlusspanik in a sentence?

Examples: Sie will künstliche Befruchtung probieren, weil sie an Torschlusspanik leidet. She wants to try IVF because she worries that her biological clock is ticking.

What is Waldeinsamkeit?

The universal language of nature “Waldeinsamkeit” is a German word without a direct English translation. It can best be translated to “the feeling of being alone in the woods.” The word is a combination of “wald” meaning forest, and “einsamkeit” meaning loneliness or solitude.

What is Kummerspeck?

Kummerspeck literally means “grief bacon,” and refers to the extra weight you might put on after a bout of emotional eating. Those suffering grief or heartbreak aren’t the only ones at risk of Kummerspeck. Many people also turn to food for comfort when they’re going through periods of boredom, stress or exhaustion.

What is fernweh?

Well, the Germans naturally have a word for that too. Meet fernweh. Marrying the words fern, or distance, and wehe, an ache or sickness, the word can be roughly translated as “distance sickening” or “far woe” – a pain to see far-flung places beyond our doorstep. Think of it as the opposite of heimweh (homesickness).

What is Backpfeifengesicht?

Backpfeifengesicht meaning: Someone deserving of a face slap Okay, let’s back up for a second. A Backpfeife is actually a slang term for a face slap.

How do you say Backpfeifengesicht?


  1. IPA: /ˈbakp͡faɪ̯fənɡəˌzɪçt/
  2. Audio. (file)
  3. Hyphenation: Back‧pfei‧fen‧ge‧sicht.

What is the meaning of Sehnsucht?

Sehnsucht (German pronunciation: [ˈzeːnˌzʊxt]) is a German noun translated as “longing”, “desire”, “yearning”, or “craving”. Some psychologists use the word to represent thoughts and feelings about all facets of life that are unfinished or imperfect, paired with a yearning for ideal alternative experiences.

What is Kopfkino?

The literal meaning for Kopfkino is ‘head cinema’; but the actual meaning of this German combination of Kopf (der Kopf – head) and Kino (das Kino – cinema) is the cinema that is played out in your head when fantasizing.

Why don’t they play Scrabble in Germany?

German does raise unique challenges, however. It’s a fusional language, taking on aspects of inflected languages, where you can add endings to words to change their meanings. It’s also an agglutinative language, where you can build long words out of small, simple morphemes.


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