What is a synonym for distance decay?

What is a synonym for distance decay?

Synonyms. decrease exponential decay exponential return decline decrement.

What is the another term of migration?

A movement of animals or people from one region to another. departure. emigration. relocation.

What is another term used to describe mass migration?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for MASS MIGRATION [exodus]

What does distance decay?

Distance decay is a phenomenon observed between locations or ethnic groups- the further apart they are, the less likely it is that they will interact very much. In essence, distance decay describes how things like communication and infrastructure break down relative to distance from a cultural center.

How would you describe distance decay?

Distance decay is a term used in geography to describe the effects of distance on spatial or cultural interactions. Distance decay means that the interaction between locals declines as the distance between them increases. In other words, if the distance between two locales increases, then their interactions decrease.

What does undergoing decay mean?

Verb. decay, decompose, rot, putrefy, spoil mean to undergo destructive dissolution. decay implies a slow change from a state of soundness or perfection. a decaying mansion decompose stresses a breaking down by chemical change and when applied to organic matter a corruption.

What are antonyms for migration?

OPPOSITES FOR migrate 1 remain, stay.

Which word is similar to migration?


  • journey,
  • peregrinate,
  • pilgrimage,
  • tour,
  • travel,
  • trek,
  • trip,
  • voyage.

What’s a antonym for migration?

remain, stay
OPPOSITES FOR migrate 1 remain, stay.

What is distance decay in migration?

The distance decay effect states that the interaction between two locales declines as the distance between them increases. Once the distance is outside of the two locales’ activity space, their interactions begin to decrease.

How does distance decay affect migration and circulation patterns?

Explain how distance decay, intervening obstacles, migration selectivity factors affect migration and circulation patterns. Distance decay can effect migration mainly through the push pull factors. Distance decay is the idea that the further away an idea gets from its source, the less is known about it.

Which is the best definition of the term emigration?

The spread or transmission of something (as news or money) to a wider group or area. The effects of distance on interaction, generally the greater the distance the less interaction. Emigration: Moving AWAY from home country.

Are there any synonyms for the word decay?

WORDS RELATED TO DECAY. ate. verb erode, wear away; use up. bite. condense. corrode. crumble. decay. decompose. disappear. disintegrate. dissipate. dissolve. drain. exhaust. bite. verb corrode, eat away. burn. blight. blight. blighted.

Which is the best description of the pattern of migration?

Pattern of migration that develops when migrants move along and through kinship links (i.e. one migrant settles in one place then writes, calls, or communicates through others to describe this place to family and friends who in turn will migrate there.). Circulation.

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