What means finish well?

What means finish well?

The phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people. For some, finishing well means ending life with a long, cushy retirement. For those who believe “he who dies with the most toys wins,” finishing well means having lots of stuff. For still others, it means ending with a pain-free death.

What does the Bible say about finish well?

The knowledge that we will stand before God and that He will recognize and reward faithful service is an incentive to finish well. “We make it our aim to be pleasing to him. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Cor. 5:9-10).

Why is it important to finish well?

Reason one: enduring legacy. If you finish well, whatever it was you started has the chance of continuing on well beyond your involvement. If you are an entrepreneur, or are proud of what you have helped build, you will ultimately want to be able to look back at what you started and see it continue on.

What does it mean to finish the race with joy?

He was talking about putting the will of God in its proper place in his life, i.e., before and above any comfort or personal harm he might encounter. The apostle’s desire was to finish the race the Lord assigned to him with joy. We all know that joy is a world of difference to that of happiness.

What is the finishing anointing?

The anointing to accomplish every God-given project in life is the finisher’s anointing. This anointing is for those men who want to cross the finish line of life as good finishers and winners. Whenever God wants a task to be completed he releases finisher’s anointing upon a life.

How do you finish strong?

These five proven steps will enable you to finish strong if you already have goals you want to accomplish.

  1. Write Your Goals Down.
  2. Break Your Goals Into Milestones.
  3. Build Momentum.
  4. Find a Mentor or an Accountability Partner.

How can we finish strong?

How do you start strong and finish strong?

The best way to finish strong is to start strong. If you want to reach your goals, you have to mentally see them and then physically write them down. Just envisioning them is not sufficient – your goals should be written. Writing (or typing) your goals will clarify what you are trying to accomplish.

What’s another way to say finish strong?

finish strong > synonyms »go out with a bang exp. »big finish exp. »blaze of glory exp. »going out with a bang exp.

Should you start strong or finish strong?

The best way to finish strong is to start strong. If you want to reach your goals, you have to mentally see them and then physically write them down. It also forms a critical transition between simply being interested in a goal to being committed to it.

What is another word for finished work?

Some common synonyms of finish are close, complete, conclude, end, and terminate.


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