Where are Theo chocolates made?

Where are Theo chocolates made?

Each step of the chocolate-making process happens in our Chocolate Factory, located in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle.

What chocolate is Seattle known for?

Fran’s Chocolate Frans is one of the most beloved chocolate shops in Seattle. They’ve made it to the big leagues, I’d say, because you can find their award-winning artisanal chocolates all over the US and in just about every Seattle grocery store.

How much is Theo chocolate worth?

Theo Chocolate produces organic, fair trade, fair life, non-GMO chocolate. It grew from $12 million in revenue in 2013 to more than $25 million in 2017 and now has 95 employees.

Who owns Moonstruck Chocolate?

Sarah A Bany. Exec VP:Brand Dev/Co-Owner, Moonstruck Chocolate Co.

Why is it called Theo Chocolate?

The name comes from Theobroma cacao, the Latin genus and species of the cocoa tree, and the company logo spells Theo with the “o” drawn as a cocoa pod. The Fremont building that Whinney found for the new company’s location had served as a trolley barn in the early 1900s and later housed the original Redhook Brewery.

Is Theo Chocolate Healthy?

Theo Chocolate Organic Dark Chocolate 85 Percent The higher the cocoa content, the more flavonoids (plant compounds with antioxidant properties) the bar contains, Michalczyk points out. Its minimalist and organic approach is what makes this bar so reliably healthful but also deliciously rich and satisfying.

Who owns Seattle Chocolates?

Jean Thompson
Jean Thompson is the Owner and CEO of Seattle Chocolate Company – makers of the Seattle Chocolate and jcoco fine chocolate brands. Jean has been running the company for the past 18 years. Prior to that she was a stay-at-home mom and earlier still, had a career in the high-tech sector, including a stint with Microsoft.

Is Theo Chocolate a small business?

Theo carves out its own identity by being one of the only companies in the country making chocolate bars from organic, fair-trade cocoa that it sources itself. Many once-small chocolate brands now belong to the world’s largest candy makers.

Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?

Studies show that dark chocolate — when it is not loaded with sugar and saturated fat — is indeed a heart-healthy chocolate treat and more. Dark chocolate is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants. Studies show it can help reduce blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease.

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