How to control Bemisia tabaci?

How to control Bemisia tabaci?

Chemical pesticides are the most widely used method to control B. tabaci infestation. Chemical pesticides with a similar mode of action, such as neonicotinoids and insect growth regulators are conventional means to manage B. tabaci [14].

Which insect order does Bemisia tabaci belong?

True bugs
Silverleaf whitefly/Order

What is the life cycle of whiteflies?

Whiteflies have simple metamorphosis – but have considerable differences in appearance and habit in adult and nymphal stages. At 70ºF, the greenhouse whitefly life cycle takes: 6-10 days for egg hatch, 3-4 days as a nymph I, 4-5 days as nymph II, 4-5 days as nymph III, 6-10 days for the pupa.

What damage does whitefly cause?

Whiteflies can seriously injure plants by sucking juices from them, causing leaves to yellow, shrivel, and drop prematurely. If the numbers of whiteflies per leaf are great enough, it could possibly lead to plant death. The second, which is known as “indirect” damage, is caused by the whitefly adults.

How do you control whiteflies in chilli plants?

Chemical control of Chilli Whitefly

  1. Plant products namely Neem Seed Kernel Extract 5% (50 kg) and Neem oil at 5 ml/ lit.
  2. During early stages, spray methyl demeton 25 EC @ 500 ml(500 lit.
  3. During mid and late stage, spray ethion 50 EC @ 1.0 lit/ha, triazophos 25 EC @ 2.0 lit/ha and acephate 75 SP @ 1.

How far can whiteflies fly?

Whiteflies do not fly very far, so many traps may be needed. You may need as many as one trap for every two large plants, with the sticky yellow part of the trap level with the whitefly infestation.

What eats the silverleaf whitefly?

pusillus is a species of small, shiny, black beetle which sucks out the contents of the silverleaf whitefly by piercing its exoskeleton. Adult and larval stages of this beetle feed on all life stages of the pest.

Do whiteflies bite humans?

Whiteflies are not known to bite humans, but they do have piercing mouthparts they use to extract fluids from plants.

How do I get rid of whitefly eggs?


  1. HOSE IT OFF. Bring your plant outside and hose it off to scatter adults and help dislodge eggs and larvae.
  2. YELLOW STICKY TRAPS. To whiteflies, the color yellow looks like a bunch of delicious new foliage.

What do whitefly eggs look like?

When the eggs hatch, the larvae will look like teeny white ovals without legs; they don’t move but they immediately start sucking the plant juice. Eggs are pale yellow when newly laid and brown when about to hatch. Whiteflies congregate on the undersides of leaves and lay their tiny white eggs in this secure spot.

How long does it take for whitefly eggs to hatch?

1-4 weeks
Many whiteflies breed all year long in warmer climates. As the whitefly eggs mature, they will turn a dark color. It generally takes only 1-4 weeks for these eggs to hatch. When the eggs hatch, young whiteflies will gradually increase in size through four nymph stages, or instar.

What causes whitefly infestation?

As much as your plants like nitrogen-rich fertilizers, whiteflies like your nitrogen-rich plants and excessive nitrogen can cause frequent infestations! While nitrogen can boost the vitality of your plants, over-fertilizing your garden can attract whiteflies, leading to more frequent infestations.

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