What is the null hypothesis for Mantel-Haenszel test?

What is the null hypothesis for Mantel-Haenszel test?

Technically, the null hypothesis of the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test is that the odds ratios within each repetition are equal to 1. The odds ratio is equal to 1 when the proportions are the same, and the odds ratio is different from 1 when the proportions are different from each other.

What is the Cochran Mantel Haenszel method?

The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method is a technique that generates an estimate of an association between an exposure and an outcome after adjusting for or taking into account confounding. The method is used with a dichotomous outcome variable and a dichotomous risk factor.

Which is the null hypothesis of the Cochran Mantel Haenszel test?

Null hypothesis. Technically, the null hypothesis of the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test is that the odds ratios within each repetition are equal to 1. The odds ratio is equal to 1 when the proportions are the same, and the odds ratio is different from 1 when the proportions are different from each other.

Which is the correct statistic for the Cochran Haenszel test?

The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test statistic is [Pk(n11k−µ11k)]2 = 2 M P kVar(n11k)

Which is the null hypothesis of conditional independence?

Recall, the null hypothesis of conditional independence is equivalent to the statement that all conditional odds ratios given the levels k are equal to 1, e.g., The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel ( CMH) test statistic is

Why does the χ 2mh get bigger on the Haenszel test?

You subtract the 0.5 as a continuity correction. The denominator contains an estimate of the variance of the squared differences. The test statistic, χ 2MH, gets bigger as the differences between the observed and expected values get larger, or as the variance gets smaller (primarily due to the sample size getting bigger).

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