What are good questions to ask about The Crucible?

What are good questions to ask about The Crucible?

What is the state of the community at the beginning of the play, as the play progresses and at the end of the play? How are insiders and outsiders defined during these times? What elements existed or were created within the community to allow Abigail and the other girls to gain power?.

What are the top three major themes of the play The Crucible?

The main themes in The Crucible include the destructive power of lies, the importance of reputation, and hysteria and corruption.

Why can’t Mary faint when asked by the court?

The court does not believe Mary Warren that she is now telling the truth. Why can’t Mary faint when asked by the court? To do the pretense, she has to be caught up in the excitement in order to faint. Then she begins the pretense again (to pretend again) and accuses Mary Warren of “witching her.”

Who accused Rebecca in the crucible?

She decides that Rebecca Nurse is responsible because Ruth, Mrs. Putnam’s daughter, “accused Rebecca’s spirit of ‘tempting her to iniquity. ‘” The Putnam family may also be looking to punish Rebecca Nurse because of a land dispute they have with her husband, Francis.

Who caused hysteria in The Crucible?

In the Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is to blame for the mass hysteria in Salem because she wants to be with John Proctor, she tries to kill Elizabeth, and she tries to save her name. Abigail is to blame for the mass hysteria in Salem because she wants to be with John Proctor.

What’s ironic about Elizabeth’s lie?

Dramatic Irony: Elizabeth denies that her husband committed adultery to try to protect him but she doesn’t know that he already confessed to it. Then she is taken away because she lied in court and John tells her he had already confessed as she is being taken out. This is ironic because he had an affair with Abigail.

What does John Proctor do to discredit her?

What does John Proctor do to discredit her? John tells the court that he had an affair with Abigail. Elizabeth is called to the court and asked why she dismissed Abigail. Then Danforth directly asked Elizabeth if John Proctor had an affair with Abigail.

Why was Rebecca Nurse killed?

At the end of the play, and the movie, Rebecca Nurse is a martyr, she is executed for witchcraft. She was accused by Anne Putnam and did not confess, would not confess, therefore, she is hung.

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