What are the principles of contrastive linguistics?

What are the principles of contrastive linguistics?

Contrastive studies are based on statistical equivalence, translation equivalence, system (system equivalence), constructions (semanto-syntactic equivalence), rules (rule equivalence), phonological and lexical contrastive studies (substantial equivalence) and pragmatically equivalent texts.

What is contrastive analysis in language teaching?

Contrastive analysis (CA) is the systematic comparison of two or more languages, with the aim of describing their similarities and differences. CA has often been done for practical/pedagogical purposes. The aim has been to provide better descriptions and better teaching materials for language learners.

What is the need for contrastive linguistics?

Contrastive linguistics is a practice-oriented linguistic approach that seeks to describe the differences and similarities between a pair of languages (hence it is occasionally called “differential linguistics”).

What is comparative and contrastive linguistics?

Comparative linguistics makes a synchronic and diachronic comparison between two languages which are “genetically” similar; Contrastive linguistics contrasts the structures of two languages in order to pick all the relevant differences.

How do you do a contrastive analysis?

A contrastive analysis must proceed through four steps: description, selection, contrast, and prediction. Most analyses are weakened by insufficient care at one or more of these steps, each of which is beset with problems.

How many basic procedures are commonly used in contrastive analysis?

Abstract. A contrastive analysis must proceed through four steps: description, selection, contrast, and prediction.

What is contrastive analysis in applied linguistics?

Contrastive analysis hypothesis is an area of comparative linguistics which is concerned with the comparison of two or more languages to determine the differences or similarities between them, either for theoretical purposes or purposes external to the analysis itself.

Is contrastive linguistics a branch of applied linguistics?

Even though it is not a branch of applied linguistics, contrastive linguistics thus aims to arrive at results that carry the potential of being used for practical purposes, e.g. in foreign language teaching and translation.

What is the difference between comparative and contrastive linguistics?

What are the benefits of contrastive analysis?

What are the benefits of contrastive analysis? – they consider as an advantage lexical similarity between related languages. – they encourage foreign language learning. – they exploit the learner’s previous linguistic knowledge.

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