Which country is the example of flexible constitution?

Which country is the example of flexible constitution?

The correct answer is the United Kingdom​. The United Kingdom has a flexible Constitution. It is so because the constitution of the United Kingdom is not codified and is unwritten.

What is a flexible constitution?

: a constitution that may be amended by the ordinary process of legislation and is therefore relatively easy to amend.

Why is the UK constitution flexible?

The constitution is flexible because it is able to evolve with the changing political, social, economic and moral circumstances of the era (e.g. promoting political devolution in Scotland; granting independence to former colonies, referendum on Scottish independence).

Is the UK constitution entirely flexible?

As an unwritten constitution, the UK constitution is highly flexible and can easily evolve and adapt to changing times. Unlike the unwritten constitution, the written constitution is rather rigid and makes it difficult to modify.

Which is the best example of flexible constitution?

In contrast, a flexible constitution is one in which the legislature may amend the constitution’s content and principles through use of the ordinary legislative process. For example, the Constitution of Australia is rigid, while the British Constitution and the Israeli Constitution are flexible.

Does Nigeria operate a flexible or rigid constitution?

As a rigid Constitution, the Nigerian Constitution cannot be changed with the same ease and manner a law will be changed.

Which is best example of flexible constitution?

In a flexible constitution there is no distinction between ordinary law and constitutional law. Both the laws are enacted in the same manner and their source is also same. The constitution of Britain is a classic example of a flexible constitution.

Which of the constitution is most flexible?

The above study of various types of amendments makes it clear that Indian constitution is certainly more flexible than rigid. This is also evident from the fact that we have so far amended the constitution for 101 times since its enactment. Had it been rigid, it was not possible to amend it almost twice a year.

Is the US Constitution flexible?

The Constitution of the United States is the foundation of our Federal Government. At the same time, it is flexible and allows for changes in the Government. The Constitution is known as a “living” document because it can be amended, although in over 200 years there have only been 27 amendments.

Is Indian constitution flexible or rigid?

Rigidity and Flexibility: The Constitution of India is neither rigid nor flexible. A Rigid Constitution means that the special procedures are required for its amendments whereas a Flexible Constitution is one in which the constitution can be amended easily.

Is Indian constitution flexible in nature?

Indian constitution is more flexible than rigid. For example, most of its provisions can be amended by a two-thirds majority in the parliament. However, in order to amend some of the provisions like the election of the president, powers and functions, the extent of Centre-State relations, etc.

Which constitution of Pakistan is flexible?

Punjab was given 40% seats in the West Pakistan Assembly. It was a Written Constitution. It was a Flexible Constitution and two-third members of the Assembly could bring an amendment to the constitution.

Which is an example of a flexible constitution?

Both the laws are enacted in the same manner and their source is also same. In this type, the constitution may be written or mainly based on agreements. The amendment of the flexible constitution requires no special procedure. The constitution of Britain is a classic example of a flexible constitution.

Is the Constitution of India rigid or flexible?

The constitution should not be very rigid or very flexible. Some parts of the constitution of India are rigid and some other parts of it are flexible. There is thus balance in the constitution. The constitution of a country should be based on its local condition, history and culture. One constitutional blue-print cannot fit all countries.

Which is the best example of a rigid constitution?

American constitution is the best example of a rigid constitution. The American congress cannot make any law contrary to the constitution. The American Supreme Court acts as the guardian of the constitution and it has right to declare any law of the congress null and void.

Is it easy to change a rigid constitution?

While it is relatively easy to change a flexible constitution, it is generally difficult to amend a rigid constitution. As such, there is general tendency to associate a flexible constitution with an unwritten constitution and a rigid constitution with written constitution.

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