Why would you be referred to fetal medicine unit?

Why would you be referred to fetal medicine unit?

Women are referred to our fetal medicine unit when an abnormality is detected during a routine scan, or if there is concern for the health of an unborn baby.

What is fetal medicine unit?

The MFM unit provides a complete multidisciplinary service to women with complex pregnancies, providing continuity of care from diagnosis, through pregnancy, birth and the early newborn time.

What happens in fetal medicine unit?

The Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU) is led by a team of highly skilled specialist doctors that offer diagnosis and treatment of complications which may arise in unborn babies. Midwives form part of the team within FMU and are available for routine and specialist midwifery advice and support whilst you have care within FMU.

What is FMU clinic?

The Feto-Maternal Unit (FMU) is a mainly outpatient service that offers expertise to obstetricians in the management of complex pregnancies.

Can you see Down syndrome on an ultrasound?

An ultrasound can detect fluid at the back of a fetus’s neck, which sometimes indicates Down syndrome. The ultrasound test is called measurement of nuchal translucency. During the first trimester, this combined method results in more effective or comparable detection rates than methods used during the second trimester.

What is considered as a high-risk pregnancy?

Pregnant women under 17 or over 35 are considered high-risk pregnancies. Being pregnant with multiple babies. Having a history of complicated pregnancies, such as preterm labor, C-section, pregnancy loss or having a child with a birth defect. A family history of genetic conditions.

What can go wrong at the 20 week scan?

Structural abnormalities that may be identified on the 20-week scan The 20-week scan can detect structural defects including spinal defects, cleft lip/palate, significant clubfeet, body wall abnormalities, major urinary abnormalities, and major heart defects, and a variety of subtle markers that may indicate Down …

What does fetal medicine doctor do?

A maternal-fetal medicine specialist is a doctor who helps take care of women having complicated or high-risk pregnancies. These doctors are obstetricians who also completed 3 extra years of training in high-risk pregnancy. They are also called perinatologists and high-risk pregnancy doctors.

What is a fetal medicine midwife?

The Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU) is a specialist area within Maternity Outpatients that delivers care for women referred during the antenatal period that require closer observation or investigations. As well as working clinically the Midwives also provide support to women.

Who is referred to the fetal medicine unit?

The Fetal Medicine Unit provides care for women with complex or high-risk pregnancies who require specialised care for either them or their baby. Only women with identified risk factors in their pregnancy or those who have had complications in a previous pregnancy will be referred to this service.

What do you need to know about Canberra fetal assessment centre?

The Canberra Fetal Assessment Centre (CFAC) is a complete and unique Obstetrics and Gynaecology ultrasound service. The Canberra Fetal Assessment Centre (CFAC) is a complete and unique Obstetrics and Gynaecology ultrasound service. Home About us Our services Our walkthroughs Our blog Request an appointment Referrers COVID-19 Information Contact us

Where to go for maternity care in Canberra?

This opens in a new window. Canberra Maternity Options is a single access point for all public maternity care in the ACT. If you are planning a pregnancy you can attend a free information session to learn about the different types of care available during your pregnancy and birth. To book, visit Eventbrite.

How to contact Centenary Hospital for women and children?

You can contact the MAU on 02 5124 7355. Please call before you come in as some concerns may be resolved over the phone. The MAU is open from 9am to 8:30pm. We accept the last walk in at 7pm. We are located on Level 2 of the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, next to the Fetal Medicine Unit.

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