What are the routes of drugs?

What are the routes of drugs?

Routes of medication administration

Route Explanation
oral swallowed by mouth as a tablet, capsule, lozenge, or liquid
otic given by drops into the ear
rectal inserted into the rectum
subcutaneous injected just under the skin

What are the different routes of administration of drugs?

The common routes of parenteral administration are intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous and IV. Advantages of parenteral administration: Drugs that are poorly absorbed, inactive or ineffective if given orally can be given by this route. The intravenous route provides immediate onset of action.

What are the 6 routes of injection?

For small therapeutic molecules, various routes for drug administration are parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous), oral, nasal, ocular, transmucosal (buccal, vaginal, and rectal), and transdermal.

What is Route drug Administration?

A route of administration in pharmacology and toxicology is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body. Routes of administration are generally classified by the location at which the substance is applied. Common examples include oral and intravenous administration.

What is the right route in medication?

The right time: Ensure that the drug is administered at the correct time and frequency. Confirm when the last dose was given. The right route: Verify that the route by which the drug is to be given is specified by the prescriber and is appropriate for the patient.

What is drug Administration?

What are the 9 routes of drug administration?

Anesthetics and analgesics (such as morphine) are sometimes given this way.

  • Sublingual and buccal routes.
  • Rectal route.
  • Vaginal route.
  • Otic route.
  • Nasal route.
  • Cutaneous route.
  • Transdermal route.

What are the 10 rights of drug administration?

The 10 Rights of Drug Administration

  • Right Drug. The first right of drug administration is to check and verify if it’s the right name and form.
  • Right Patient.
  • Right Dose.
  • Right Route.
  • Right Time and Frequency.
  • Right Documentation.
  • Right History and Assessment.
  • Drug approach and Right to Refuse.

What is otic route?

Otic route Drugs used to treat ear inflammation and infection can be applied directly to the affected ears. Ear drops containing solutions or suspensions are typically applied only to the outer ear canal.

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