Can goby live with angelfish?

Can goby live with angelfish?

Smaller angelfish are usually not aggressive and can live with other fish. They make great tank mates with Blennies, Gobies, Anthias, Butterflyfish and similar species. Larger angelfish are known to be more aggressive when it comes to keeping them with other fish.

Can angelfish and Clownfish live together?

Angelfish of all types can work well with Clownfish however I recommend Pygmy Angelfish because they are better matched size-wise. Since many Angelfish can be slightly aggressive its best to avoid especially large species.

What are gobies compatible with?

There are quite a few fish that would be compatible so let’s see what we can add for more diversity in the tank.

  1. Giant Sailfin Mollies (Freshwater And Saltwater)
  2. Scatophagus argus (Fresh & Saltwater)
  3. Monos (Freshwater And Saltwater)
  4. Colombian Shark (Freshwater And Saltwater)
  5. Angel Fish (Freshwater & Saltwater)

What fish can live with Clownfish?

Best Tank Mates For Clownfish

  1. Mandarin Dragonet. Mandarin Dragonet.
  2. Dartfish. Dartfish.
  3. Red Coris Wrasse. Red Coris Wrasse.
  4. Yellow Tang.
  5. Basslet Fish.
  6. Chromis Damselfish.
  7. Pygmy Angelfish.
  8. Butterflyfish.

Will angelfish eat Tetras?

Angelfish Temperament Other fish species such as Betta splendens, guppies and goldfish who boast lengthy, free-flowing fins are commonly harassed by Angelfish. Angelfish sometimes also exhibit predatory behavior, hounding and demolishing smaller fish like Neon Tetras.

Can I put puffer fish with clownfish?

would be OK probably, but most of the others would be far too big. I did have a green spotted puffer and it would fit fine, but you have to acclimate them to saltwater over a matter of months. They also can be quite aggressive, though mine was the live-and-let-live type.

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