What is the difference between langue d oc and Langue d oil?

What is the difference between langue d oc and Langue d oil?

Langue d’oc (literally, language of yes ) was spoken south of a line running, roughly, from Bordeaux to Grenoble, whereas langue d’oïl (literally, language of yes ) was prevalent in central and N France.

What is upstream midstream and downstream in oil and gas?

‘Upstream’ is about extracting oil and natural gas from the ground; ‘midstream’ is about safely moving them thousands of miles; and ‘downstream’ is converting these resources into the fuels and finished products we all depend on.

Why is upstream more profitable than downstream?

When crude oil is expensive the seller will see a rise in profits while the buyer will see a rise in costs. The companies say they making their money through crude oil exploration and production, the “upstream” part of the business, but not in refining and selling fuel, the “downstream” part of the business.

What is upstream in the oil and gas industry?

The upstream segment of the oil and gas industry contains exploration activities, which include creating geological surveys and obtaining land rights, and production activities, which include onshore and offshore drilling. Crude oil is categorized using two qualities: Density and sulfur content.

Is Provençal still spoken?

Occitan is a very old language spoken by about 1.5 million people across Europe. One of its dialects, Provençal, is still very much alive and kicking in the south of France today.

How do midstream oil companies make money?

Midstream companies have an opportunity to make money along each link of the oil, gas, and NGL value chains, earning revenue via three primary means: fees, regulated tariffs, and commodity-based margins. Gathering pipelines, for example, tend to be fee-based.

How do pipeline companies make money?

That’s because the profits of many pipeline operators aren’t tied to the prices of oil and gas. Instead, operators make their money by charging set fees for transporting energy products from one place to another and then storing them.

How does an oil company make money?

Oil service firms make money when high demand for crude oil is driving exploration and production. Refiners make money when the demand for fuel and value-added petroleum products is high, and they don’t mind when the price for crude goes lower.

How do upstream oil and gas companies make money?

These companies focus primarily on the upstream segment. While some independent E&Ps will operate midstream assets that support their production, they make most of their money by producing oil and gas.

What happened Occitan?

According to the UNESCO Red Book of Endangered Languages, four of the six major dialects of Occitan (Provençal, Auvergnat, Limousin and Languedocien) are considered severely endangered, whereas the remaining two (Gascon and Vivaro-Alpine) are considered definitely endangered….Occitan language.

Ethnicity Occitans

Where does Pays d Oc wine come from?

Delicate notes of earthy herbs and cola spice grace the red cherry, Pays d’Oc PGI broadly covers the south of France. So, it’s big. This wine-making powerhouse incorporates the 4 departments of the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Which is better Pays d oc or Bordeaux?

While Pays d’Oc may not have the cachet or name recognition of Bordeaux or Burgundy, its wines have likely filled more glasses and graced more dinner tables. To help promote this denomination and its commitment to quality, an international jury convenes annually to select outstanding ‘Collection’ wines.

Which is the second largest oil company in the world?

After Saudi Aramco, Exxon Mobil is the second-largest oil company in the world by market value even though Exxon Mobil is more than 10 times smaller than the Saudi Arabian company. 1-Year Trailing Total Return: -19.5%

Who is the third largest oil producer in the world?

The state-owned Kuwait Petroleum Company (KPC) is the third-largest producer of oil in the world, with a production rate of over 3.4mbbl/day. The company produces approximately 7% of the world’s total crude oil, with proven reserves of about 111BBOe.

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