How do you write the date in Spanish?

How do you write the date in Spanish?

Formal Version The basic format is el [day of the week] [day] de [month] de [year]. So then Sunday, September 7, 2014, would be el domingo 7 de septiembre de 2014 in Spanish. There is also a slight variation where the de before the year can also be del.

How do you answer today’s date in Spanish?

If you want to know the date, use the phrase “¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?” (coo-AHL ess lah FAY-chah day oy). This question means “What is today’s date?” While there are other ways to ask for the same information, this is the most common.

What’s another word for pool in Spanish?

pool n. piscina nf. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.

How do you say the date in Spanish example?

In Spanish, the date is always written with the number first and the addition of a “de” or an “el” in the format: The number (day) + de + month + de + year. For example: 15 de octubre de 2017 (October 15, 2017)

Do you capitalize months in Spanish?

Capital Letters in Spanish Writing. The following terms are not capitalized in Spanish unless they begin sentences: the subject pronoun “yo”; the names of months, and days of weeks; the names of languages and nationalities; nouns and adjectives derived from proper nouns. [1] Joseph Gibaldi.

How do you say pool in Puerto Rico?

In this case I am talking about Mexican Spanish….Mexican Spanish vs Puerto Rican Spanish: El Chavo speaks Puerto Rican.

Mexican Spanish Word from El Chavo del Ocho Puerto Rican Spanish Equivalent English Translation
agujero hoyo, hueco hole
alberca piscina pool
apachurrado espacharrado squashed
apúrate avanza hurry up

What’s Alberca in English?

alberca (also: piscina, pileta) public baths {noun} (for swimming) alberca (also: piscina, pileta) swimming baths {noun} [Brit.]

What month is January number?

The days column shows the number of days in the month. All months have 30 or 31 days, except for February which has 28 days (29 in a leap year). Every fourth year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28….Months of the Year.

month January
short form Jan.
days 31
season winter

How do you say date in Spanish like a romantic date?

Una cita. Again, the word cita does not immediately imply something romantic, but if you have an appointment – whether it be with your doctor or a romantic interest – you can call it a date.

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