How do I get Iwcf Level 2?

How do I get Iwcf Level 2?


  1. Successfully complete the 20 hour online training modules provided by one of IWCF’s online accredited training providers.
  2. Pass a level 2 assessment with a score of 70% or more at an accredited training centre within 6 months of completing the online training modules.

What does Iwcf stand for?

International Well Control Forum
The International Well Control Forum (IWCF) is the only independent body focused on oil and gas well control training, accreditation and certification.

Is Iwcf recognized in Canada?

IWCF certificates are now accepted in Western Canada.

What is Iwcf level1?

Level 1 is the industry’s first free, online course which is a useful tool for anyone new or experienced in the industry, especially students and graduates, personnel involved in well control and those who are simply interested in well control.

How long is Iwcf valid?

A: IWCF certifications are valid for the following durations: Level 1 and WOCRM certificates do not have an expiry date however can be revisited at any time. Level 2 eCerts are valid for 5 years. Level 3 and 4 eCerts are valid for 2 years.

How long is Iwcf Level 1?

Each module can be easily completed in half a day with the whole course taking around two days. With the introduction of Level 1 the entire portfolio of well control courses are complete.

How do I become IADC certified?

IADC Certification program consists of online exam and the simulator practical test, conducted on the last day of the course. A participant has to score minimum of 70% marks to qualify for the IADC certificate.

How long is RigPass good for?

SafeLand and RigPass certifications do not expire; Basic Orientation PlusĀ® (BOP) is a twelve-month certification with an annual refresher.

Does RigPass expire?

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