What is the answer for level 100 on brain test?

What is the answer for level 100 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 100 What is a cat’s child called. Answer: The cat’s child is also cat so tap on the text “cat’s” inside the question. About Brain Test Game: “Brain Test is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers.

How do u do Level 103 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 103 Tom the cat wants to fly : Answer: Place Tom right side of the seesaw and then drag and drop the anvil from high above the left side of the seesaw to create a strong force.

What is the answer for level 102 on brain test?

Answer: Zoom out the screen with your two fingers, Then you will see the socks.

What is the answer for level 99 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 99 What is the minimum number of chairs. Answer: Granny (1) + children (3) + spouses and their children (6) + aunt (1) = 11. The answer is 11.

How do you do level 107 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 107 Whats is the total cost. Answer: The answer is 12. About Brain Test Game: “Brain Test is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers. Different riddles testing will challenge your mind.

How do you pass level 106 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 106 He refuses to eat his mom’s delicious soup. Answer: Remove the right screw to make the mug fall on boy’s feet. He will open his mouth and you can take the bowl and put it up to his mouth.

What is the answer to level 106 on brain test?

What is the answer to level 107 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 107 Whats is the total cost. Answer: The answer is 12.

How do you pass level 102 on brain out?

Here’s the solution for Brain Out Level 102 Kill the nasty fly. Answer: If you want to get rid of that old nasty fly, place a finger down on the screen and the fly will sit on it. Then smash the fly with another finger. Poor little fly.

How do you pass level 100 on brain out?

Here’s the solution for Brain Out Level 100 Try to make the biggest possible number by moving only 2 matchsticks. Answer: If two matchsticks get replaced, the largest number that you’re going to be able to make is 31,181.

What is the answer for level 95 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 95 They say curiosity kills the cat. Tap on the text “curiosity” and drag it on the cat. the word “curiosity” will kill the cat.

How do you complete level 133 on brain test?

Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 133 What should we put at the question mark. Answer: Each of these letters are the first digit of One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, The answer is “N”.

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