How big does a ninebark tree get?

How big does a ninebark tree get?

3 to 8 feet

genus name Physocarpus
plant type Shrub
height 3 to 8 feet
width 3 to 12 feet wide
flower color White Pink

Do you cut back ninebark in the fall?

Old, dead wood also detracts from the shrub’s appearance. The plant benefits from a regular pruning in the fall after the plant goes dormant and in spring, just before blooming begins. Cut back long, leggy twigs that stick out from the top, sides and bottom of the ninebark.

Can ninebark grow in part shade?

A ninebark shrub is one of the most versatile and easy-to-grow shrubs available to Prairie gardeners. It is multi-stemmed and multi-branched, and although it prefers full sun (any shrub with coloured foliage will be more vivid when exposed to lots of sun), all ninebarks will perform in part shade.

Where should I plant ninebark?

Plant ninebark in a location that receives full sun to partial shade, but be aware that it will flower best in full sun. In the northern part of its growing range, the shrub prefers around six hours of direct light each day, but the farther south it grows, the more it appreciates some afternoon shade.

Are ninebark roots deep?

Wet Soil. Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) is another deep-rooting deciduous shrub preferring wet or moist soil. This fire-resistant, drought-tolerant shrub produces white clusters of flowers and is hardy in zones 3 through 10. Typically, ninebark grows no taller than 5 feet.

Do Ninebarks lose their leaves?

Ninebark is a deciduous shrub, not an evergreen, which means it loses its leaves during the winter dormancy period.

Is ninebark a good foundation plant?

In landscaping, ninebark is used for specimen planting, foundation planting, hedges, screens, and to prevent erosion on slopes. Many cultivars are available. It’s important to give a ninebark shrub enough space, as well as regular pruning, so its arching branch pattern can be fully appreciated.

What looks good with ninebark?

Companion Planting and Design In a mixed shrub border, grow ninebark with other deciduous shrubs, such as lilac and spirea. Use different colored ninebarks in the back of a perennial flower border to show off the brightly colored perennials such as coneflowers and bee balm.

Is ninebark Hardy?

The ninebark shrub comes in several varieties with different colored leaves, commonly purple and yellow. This 6- to 8-foot-tall shrub has spring flowers of greenish-gold that gradually mature to deep burgundy red in summer. It blooms with white flowers in late spring. It is hardy in zones 3 to 7.

How tall does a purple ninebark tree get?

Purple ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) produces ornamental purple to burgundy leaves. In U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. It is an upright deciduous shrub reaches 6 to 10 feet tall.

What should I do with my Purple ninebark?

Spread 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch over the compost. Pine straw or wood chip mulch works well with purple ninebark shrubs. Mulching reduces weed growth and slows soil moisture loss. Cut away damaged or dead stems with pruners in the spring after the shrub stops flowering.

How did the ninebark tree get its name?

The plant gets its name for its peeling bark which tears off, showing different shades of cinnamon/ reddish-brown below. This is most pronounced in older stems and creates an interesting and attractive effect that is best appreciated when the plants are bare in the cold winter months.

What kind of soil does a little devil ninebark grow in?

Full sun will give you the best foliage coloring on the Little Devil Ninebark, but it will take a little shade and still grow well enough. It grows across a wide range of soils, from gravels and sands to clays and urban soils. It grows in both wet and dry soils, and in areas under the black walnut tree, which poisons the soil to many plants.

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