What is summative assessment in the EYFS?

What is summative assessment in the EYFS?

Summative assessment is a ‘summing up’ of an individual child’s achievement at certain points in the year. This could be a baseline, termly or end of year assessment in which a decision is made about which age and stage best fits the child.

What is assessed in the EYFS profile?

The EYFS profile assesses a child at the end of reception to make sure they’re progressing well and meeting national requirements. The report is sent home to parents for them to read and will include assessments on the following: Communication and language – listening skills, understanding and speaking.

What are the two summative assessments in the EYFS?

There are two statutory summative assessment points in the EYFS – the 2-year-old progress check, and the EYFS Profile at the end of the EYFS. Settings may decide on further summative assessment points. Reliable summative assessment grows out of formative assessment.

How is the EYFS profile recorded?

As the teacher observes your child, they’ll record when they see evidence of them meeting an ELG. Classroom activities will be planned to make sure children can demonstrate as many of the ELGs as possible. In addition to teacher observations, the EYFS profile will include evidence from you.

What is summative assessment in childcare?

A summative assessment builds a picture of the child progress over time, through the evidence you have collected. The Learning Outcomes provides key reference points in which a child’s progress can be identified and documented and shows an overall picture of a child’s learning journey.

Who completes the Eyfs profile?

Teachers must complete an EYFS profile for each child. The assessment must take place in the summer term of the academic year in which a child reaches age 5 years – for each academic year a deadline no later than the final week of June will be specified in the EYFS profile handbook.

What is summative and formative assessment in EYFS?

Formative assessment means assessment to inform planning. Sometimes this is called assessment for learning. Summative assessment provides a summary of the child’s learning and development at a point in time. This is assessment of, rather than for, learning.

What is the purpose of the EYFS profile?

The main purpose of the EYFS profile is to provide a reliable, valid and accurate assessment of individual children at the end of the EYFS. In addition, the EYFS profile provides an accurate national data set relating to levels of children’s development at the end of the EYFS.

How do you write a summative assessment in childcare?

When writing a summative assessment it should:

  1. emphasise children’s strengths and make their learning visible.
  2. draw on the family’s knowledge about their child so that the documentation.
  3. reflects the child’s life at home as we as at the service.
  4. be free from bias.
  5. be written in clear, easy-to-understand.

How do you write a summative assessment for early childhood?

What is the primary purpose of the EYFS profile?

‘The EYFS Profile is not intended to be used for on-going assessment or for entry level assessment for Early Years settings or Reception classes’. The primary purpose of the EYFS Profile is to provide a reliable, valid and accurate assessment of individual children at the end of the EYFS.

When do you do a summative assessment on a child?

The two major summative assessments undertaken are at age two and at the end of the Reception year in order to determine potential attainment and development for their future. It is also important to assess these things as it is an acknowledged fact that no two children development in precisely the same manner and at the speed.

When is the end of year assessment for EYFS?

As part of their end-of-year assessment in Reception year, preceding the transition from EYFS to KS1 that takes place between then and starting Year 1 in the following September, children will undergo an EYFS Profile. Children will be measured on 17 Early Learning Goals, divided into sections:

How are summative assessments different from formative assessments?

Summative assessments, to be differentiated from formative assessments, are undertaken at a set time the year (as opposed to formative assessments which can be undertaken on a permanent, rolling nature. Being updated simply when required).

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