What did Philae land on?

What did Philae land on?

comet 67P
The Philae lander, wedged underneath a rock, on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Scientists have reconstructed its bumpy landing on the surface in 2014 for the first time.

Who discovered 67P?

Svetlana Gerasimenko
Klim Churyumov

When was the Philae lander launched?

March 2, 2004
Philae/Launch date

The Rosetta spacecraft and Philae lander were launched on an Ariane 5G+ rocket from French Guiana on 2 March 2004, 07:17 UTC, and travelled for 3,907 days (10.7 years) to Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

What was Rosetta’s purpose?

Rosetta’s main objective is to rendezvous with and enter orbit around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, performing observations of the comet’s nucleus and coma. During the period that Rosetta orbits the comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko will reach the closest point to the Sun in its orbit, on 13 August 2015.

What is Rosetta and Philae?

What was Rosetta and Philae? ESA’s Rosetta was the first spacecraft to orbit a cometary nucleus. It scored another historic first when its Philae probe made the first successful landing on the surface a comet and began sending back images and data. Both Rosetta and Philae remain on the surface of the comet.

What did we learn from Rosetta and Philae?

Earlier this month, mission scientists at last found Philae using images from Rosetta. When Philae landed on Comet 67P, scientists learned that the surface contained ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide, which together smell like pungent urine, almonds, and rotten eggs.

How long does Churyumov Gerasimenko take to orbit the sun?

2,351 days
67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko/Orbital period

Do comets have auroras?

A new study based on Rosetta data shows that Comet 67P has its own aurora. On Earth, auroras are created by charged particles from the Sun. When those particles approach Earth, they’re directed along the field lines of Earth’s magnetosphere.

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