What is the message of 500 days of summer?

What is the message of 500 days of summer?

Possibly one of the most important lessons from (500) Days of Summer is that your happiness cannot be dependent on another person. Summer becomes the only source of happiness for Tom, and he loses himself because of that. It is unfair to put that pressure on another person, but also on yourself.

Who is Jenny Beckman?

Jenny Beckman is a real woman — and the inspiration for the character Summer. Beckman had dated Scott Neustadter, the movie’s screenwriter. When she dumped him, he wrote a movie about the experience. That had to mean something, right?” Their tumultuous, label-less relationship is depicted in the movie.

Who is the narrator of 500 Days of Summer?

Richard McGonagle
500 Days of Summer (2009) – Richard McGonagle as Narrator – IMDb.

Is 500 days of summer a true story?

According to E News, screenwriter Scott Neustadter (The Spectacular Now, The Disaster Artist) reveals on the DVD commentary that 500 Days of Summer is “75 per cent” based on a real relationship he went through.

Who was wrong Tom or summer?

While there’s still discourse about who the real villain is, today’s dominant opinion is that it’s Tom Hansen. People are starting to realize that Summer isn’t some manipulative girl who led Tom on; it was just Tom who painted her in that light. It’s more a reflection of Tom than it is of Summer.

What are some quotes from 500 Days of summer?

Coincidence, that’s all anything ever is, nothing more than coincidence… Tom had finally learned, there are no miracles. There’s no such thing as fate, nothing is meant to be. He knew, he was sure of it now. Tom: I love how she makes me feel, like anything’s possible, or like life is worth it.

What did Tom believe in 500 Days of summer?

Tom still believes in the notion of a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once kind of love. Summer, the girl, doesn’t. But that doesn’t stop Tom from going after her, again an

What did summer say about most days of the year?

Summer: Yeah, I did. Summer: I did. It just wasn’t me that you were right about. Narrator: Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and they end with no lasting memory made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life.

Who was the boy in 500 Days of summer?

The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he’d never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total mis-reading of the movie ‘The Graduate’. The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief.

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