What is the answer to question 38 in the impossible quiz?
Question 38 of The Impossible Quiz contains a statement that says “Mary Rose sat on a pin”, and the possible choices are “O RLY?”, “Mary Rose”, “Burst her piles”, and “Ahahahaaha!”. The correct answer is “Mary Rose”, since the “Rose” in her name is a pun on the past tense form of “to rise”.
What is question 39 on the impossible quiz?
There is no task on the upper part of the screen, but rather an animation of a small white cylinder with a face, who seems to be moving its thin stick-like legs like he’s dancing. The correct answer to this question is “Cylindrical Adventures”, which is the name of the animation the dancing cylinder belongs to.
How many questions are there in the impossible quiz?
110 questions
There are 100 questions, plus the Epic 10 after Question 100. The answer is “No one knows that”, because the game assumes that nobody who has made it to this question has actually made it to the very end of the game, thus nobody really knows that this Quiz actually has 110 questions in total.
What is the answer to impossible quiz 37?
Question 37 of The Impossible Quiz is the third safe question of the game. It says “Can you get this question wrong?”, with the potential answers being “No”, “Nope”, “No way”, and “Of course not”.
What is the answer to question 40 on the impossible quiz?
You can click and hold to get to the other button, or you can right-click to bring up the right-click menu. This will be your “bridge”, which you can use to move your mouse across to the red dot and then click it to proceed.
What is number 43 on the impossible quiz?
The correct answer is “Tom Cruise”, since the question’s referencing the movie “Jerry Maguire”, whose titular character was portrayed by Tom Cruise.
What is number 40 on the impossible quiz?
maze question
Reference(s) Question 40 from the Impossible Quiz is the third maze question. After following the usual routine of moving your mouse over to the red dot on the left side of the screen, the “maze” will appear in front of you.
What is the 42 answer to the impossible quiz?
ccd==Explanation== The answer is the 42nd 42 (triva: this is a reference to the book “Hitchicker’s guide to the galaxy” that says that the answer for life, universe and everything is 42.)
How do you do number 40 on the impossible quiz?
What is the answer to 36 on impossible quiz?
A walk
The answer to the question is “A walk”, because considering the fly just so happens to fly, and a fly without wings cannot fly, then an appropriate name for it is “walk”, since the only thing it can do to move is to walk. The original question as it appears in the Beta.
What is the answer for question 45 on impossible quiz?
The question uses the Windings font and says: “Potatoes fly”. The choices are “Indeed”, “WRONG”, “Why not?”, and “ROFL”. So the top right choice which says “WRONG” is the correct answer.
How do you do number 42 on the impossible quiz?
Reference(s) Below is a wall of 50 copies of the number 42, and in between there’s a hint within parentheses, saying “It’s 42”. This question is also the third unskippable of the game. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”.
What is number 41 on the impossible quiz?
Question 41 from the Impossible Quiz uses a picture taken from Rabid-Coot’s (Etinogard’s) deviantArt page, though the question was an idea by Splapp-Me-Do. There are no tasks on screen. Just the question number, the picture of the white crested duck (which takes up the whole screen of the game), your lives and your skips.
Is the impossible quiz impossible?
The Impossible Quiz. Try to beat the quiz by answering all of the questions. it’s as simple as that, or it? The question are far from easy, sometimes require insane logic, others are completely down to guessing. It’s hard, but it’s NOT impossible! You have 3 lives throughout the quiz. Get an answer incorrect and you’ll lose one.
What is an impossible question to answer?
What is common in eleven states of the U.S.? Show Answer