How is downtime availability calculated?

How is downtime availability calculated?

Availability = Uptime ÷ (Uptime + downtime) That asset also had two hours of unplanned downtime because of a breakdown, and eight hours of downtime for weekly PMs. That equals 10 hours of total downtime.

How do you calculate downtime percentage?


  1. Total number of seconds your website was down: 600 seconds.
  2. Total number of seconds your website was monitored: 86,400. We divide 600 by 86,400, which is 0.0069. In percentages, this is 0.69%.
  3. This is the downtime percentage.
  4. The uptime percentage for this website would be: 100% minus 0.69% is 99.31%.

How do you measure service availability?

Availability is measured as the percentage of time your service or configuration item is available. It reports on the past and estimates the future of a service. It tells you how well a service performed over the measurement period. Availability metrics also estimate how well a service will perform in the future.

How do I track downtime?

The best way to track equipment downtime is with a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). Although many of these programs use a work order system to track downtime, a CMMS with a dedicated downtime module can result in better analysis and reporting of equipment problems and trends.

What is downtime analysis?

Downtime analysis (DTA) is an essential part of plant operations management as it provides a powerful tool which enables a better understanding of the underlying issues that affect plant availability and rate loss.

How much downtime is 99.5 Availability?

Percentage calculation

Availability % Downtime per year Downtime per month
99.5% (“two and a half nines”) 1.83 days 3.65 hours
99.8% 17.53 hours 87.66 minutes
99.9% (“three nines”) 8.77 hours 43.83 minutes
99.95% (“three and a half nines”) 4.38 hours 21.92 minutes

How is application availability measured?

Application availability is determined based on application-specific key performance indicators (KPIs) such as overall or timed application uptime and downtime, number of completed transactions, responsiveness, reliability, and other relevant metrics.

How is monthly downtime calculated?

How to calculate uptime and downtime?

  1. For a daily time in seconds: Daily downtime periods = 86400 – (Uptime * 86400)
  2. For a weekly time in seconds: Weekly downtime periods = 604800 – (Uptime * 604800)
  3. For a monthly time in seconds: Monthly downtime periods = 2592000 – (Uptime * 2592000)
  4. For a yearly time in seconds:

How do you calculate unavailability?

The simplified equation for unreliability is: (lam * T) / 2 – where “lam” is the failure rate and “T” is the mission time. The simplified equation for unavailability is (lam * MTTR) – where “lam” is the failure rate and “MTTR” is the mean time to repair.

How do you track system outages?

How do I track downtime in Excel?

Generating Reports to Analyze Production Downtime

  1. Highlight the cells totaling the downtime from the Product Worksheet.
  2. Select the Insert tab and then Column Chart 2D.
  3. Click on Move Chart and in the dialog box that appears click on the drop down list under Object in and choose the Analysis and Reports Worksheet.

How to calculate down time in a business?

Calculated downtime = Available – Earned = 460 – 310 =150 minutes Availability = Earned Time / Net Available Time = 310 / 460 = 67.39% We can see from the above example that it easy to determine what the downtime should have been and, in turn, we could calculate the availability factor.

How much downtime corresponds to 99.9% SLA?

SLA level of 99.9 % uptime/availability results in the following periods of allowed downtime/unavailability: Daily: 1m 26s Weekly: 10m 4s Monthly: 43m 49s

How to calculate website uptime and downtime percentages?

To define the uptime and downtime percentages, we perform the following calculation: Total number of seconds your website was down: 600 seconds. Total number of seconds your website was monitored: 86,400. We divide 600 by 86,400, which is 0.0069. In percentages, this is 0.69%.

How to measure the effects of hospital downtime?

One way to quantify the effects of downtime in hospitals is to measure the real-time effects on clinical processes which can be tracked using EMR data [2].

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