How many species of African violets are there?

How many species of African violets are there?

six species
African violet, (genus Saintpaulia), genus of six species of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae native to higher elevations in tropical eastern Africa. African violets are common houseplants, especially Saintpaulia ionantha, and can thrive in low light conditions and bloom throughout the year.

Is an African violet A Monocot?

The African violet is a dicot based on the evidence of having 5 petals and by looking at the leaves you can see they net like veins.

Is African violet a begonia?

He named it ‘Pink African Violet’. The glossy green leaves grow in a rosette and the flowers are produced in the crown. This plant stays low and compact and makes a very nice terrarium subject. This is really an unusual begonia.

Are African violets endangered?

Not extinct
African violets/Extinction status

What is the rarest African violet?

Saintpaulia pusilla
H wrote it down for me: Saintpaulia pusilla. That’s right. The flower that I had seen in the rare Udzungwa Mountains of Africa (according to Mr. H) is the rare, and perhaps “extinct” species of African violet, Saintpaulia pusilla.

Is streptocarpus a violet?

Streptocarpus (African Violet, Bavarian Belle, Cape Primrose, Twisted Fruit) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.

Is streptocarpus an African violet?

Streptocarpus species are native originally to Africa and Madagascar (and possibly a few species in Asia). They are closely related to the African violet and grow under similar conditions.

How do you keep African violets alive?

African violets need indirect sunlight, direct can burn the leaves. Choose a north- or east- facing window for best results. Keep plants away from cold glass and rotate the pot once a week so all leaves receive light. Extend daylight by placing African violets under a grow light during winter months.

Can I use African violet soil for begonias?

Begonias prefer a high-quality, well draining potting soil with perlite, or African violet soil. Avoid heavy, slow-drying soil mixtures.

What is special about African violets?

African violets are perhaps the most popular flowering houseplants grown in the world today. There are many reasons for this: The plants generally flower the year round, giving an almost continuous display of blooms. They require the same temperatures humans find comfortable, making them easy to raise in our homes.

Are African violets really from Africa?

Bright indirect light is a must. African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) are native to rainforests in the mountains of eastern African countries like Tanzania. They are low-growing plants, thriving in the shade of other vegetation. In their native environments, direct light never touches their leaves.

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