What is the best option for breast reconstruction?

What is the best option for breast reconstruction?

The pre-pectoral procedure is the most minimally invasive breast reconstruction option. Your doctor can perform a mastectomy by removing breast tissue through a small incision underneath the breast. Through this incision, a tissue expander can be placed on top of the muscle to create a breast mound.

What are the options after a mastectomy?

There are three types: Reconstruction using implants, either saline or silicone gel. Reconstruction using your own tissue called autologous reconstruction. Reconstruction using a combination of implants and autologous tissue.

What are the different types of reconstruction?


  • Other.
  • Can you get plastic surgery after a mastectomy?

    If you’ve had a mastectomy because of breast cancer, you may choose to have reconstructive plastic surgery. It can restore balance between the two breasts by replacing skin, breast tissue, and the removed nipple.

    What percentage of mastectomy patients get reconstruction?

    About 40 percent of women who undergo a mastectomy have breast reconstruction surgery, according to 2014 data released last year by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

    How soon after mastectomy can you have reconstruction?

    Some surgeons advise patients to wait until after radiation and chemotherapy are finished before having reconstruction. This means reconstruction might be done 6 to 12 months after mastectomy or lumpectomy. Reconstruction also can be done years later if desired.

    Can breast reconstruction be done years after mastectomy?

    Breast reconstruction also can be done many months or even years after mastectomy or lumpectomy. During reconstruction, a plastic surgeon creates a breast shape using an artificial implant (implant reconstruction), a flap of tissue from another place on your body (autologous reconstruction), or both.

    How painful is breast reconstruction after mastectomy?

    Right after the surgery, you will probably feel weak, and you may feel pain for 2 to 3 weeks. You may have a pulling or stretching feeling in your breast area. You can expect to feel better and stronger each day, although you may need pain medicine for a week or two.

    How do you make nipples after mastectomy?

    To create the nipple, the plastic surgeon uses skin from the area on the breast where the new nipple will be located. This involves making small incisions, forming the tissue into a nipple shape, and securing it with stitches. The areola may be created later by tattooing.

    How much does it cost to transfer fat to your breast?

    The fat transfer procedure can typically be performed under local anesthesia. On average, the cost of fat transfer is $4,500, depending on the extent of the procedure and the type of anesthesia used.

    How long does recovery from mastectomy take?

    For these reasons, patients should not expect recovery from a mastectomy procedure to be a simple process. In fact, mastectomy recovery may take approximately three to six weeks. Some patients experience symptoms such as slight swelling for up to six months after the procedure is performed.

    What to expect after a double mastectomy?

    The recovery time from a double mastectomy can vary from person to person, but it typically takes 4 to 6 weeks. Some surgeries involve removing the breast tissue but saving the nipple, while others remove the whole breast. More radical mastectomies also remove chest muscle and, rarely, the lymph nodes.

    How long is the recovery for a breast augmentation?

    Recovery from breast augmentation takes up to 8 weeks. While you may be able to return to work and your normal life by 5 weeks, it takes approximately 2 months for your body to heal completely.

    What to expect after breast reconstruction?

    If implants are used without flaps, your recovery time may be shorter. Some things to keep in mind: Reconstruction does not restore normal feeling to your breast, but some feeling may return over a period of years. It may take up to about 8 weeks for bruising and swelling to go away.

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