How big do Plumeria rubra grow?

How big do Plumeria rubra grow?

35 foot tall
Plumeria can grow to 35 foot tall but is easily pruned to manage in a container indoors or on a balcony. It has a leggy appearance with silvery, thin, gray bark and lush elliptical, elongated, dark, green leaves.

How do you care for a plumeria rubra?

Plumeria care, for the most part, is minimal. While plumerias don’t like wet feet, they should be watered deeply when irrigated and then allowed to dry out some before watering again. They also need to be fertilized about every two to three weeks throughout their active growing season.

Is Plumeria rubra a tree?

It is a large shrub or a tree that can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical climates. There are about nine species of Plumerias and all of them originated from Mexico and other regions of Central America. The popular Plumeria species are Plumeria rubra, Plumeria obtusa, Plumeria pudica and Plumeria alba.

How long does it take for a plumeria to become a tree?

Plumeria trees grown from cuttings can take between one and three years to bloom. On the other hand, trees grown from seeds can expect flowers three years after they have been planted.

Are there different types of plumerias?

Red frangipani
Plumeria pudicaSingapore graveyard flowerPlumeria alba
Frangipani/Lower classifications

What is the common name of plumeria rubra?

Plumeria rubra

Family Name: Apocynaceae
Synonyms: Plumeria acuminata
Common Name: Frangipani, Common Frangipani, Kemboja, Bunga Kubur, Red Frangipani, Nosegay Frangipani, Chempaka, Pagoda Tree, Camboja

How do you plant Plumeria rubra?

Prepare a mix of 2/3 perlite and 1/3 potting soil and fill a large container. (You can also plant them directly in the ground if you live in a very warm climate). Dip the cut end of your cuttings in a rooting hormone and sink them about halfway down into the potting mixture.

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