Is there a bluebird Society?

Is there a bluebird Society?

The North American Bluebird Society is a non-profit education, conservation and research organization that promotes the recovery of bluebirds and other native cavity-nesting bird species in North America.

What is the myth about bluebirds?

In Native American mythology, some tribes consider the bluebird a spirit in animal form that symbolizes the dawn of a new day; others associate the friendly bird with the sun. The Iroquois believe that the bluebird is a harbinger of spring that fights off the evil demigod of winter, Tawiscaron.

Where do you put a bluebird house?

Place nest boxes in the sunniest, most open area possible, away from your house or deep shade. Bluebirds prefer large expanses of short grass with a clear flight path, ideally facing a field. Try not to place the house too close to feeders. Make sure it is mounted 5 to 10 feet off the ground.

What is special about a bluebird house?

It’s assembled with the rough side of the wood facing out so it more closely resembles the birds’ natural nesting sites. And there’s no perch. Notches beneath the entrance hole provide footing for bluebirds, but discourage visits from competing house sparrows and wrens. The swing-open side is convenient, also.

Are bluebirds native to North America?

There are three types of bluebirds in North America. As the name suggests, the Eastern Bluebird is found in eastern North America and the opposite is true for the Western Bluebird, whose range is western North America. The Mountain Bluebird, is also a western bird and lives in the higher mountain ranges.

Where do bluebirds sleep at night?

Where do bluebirds sleep at night? Sleeping places include pastures, orchards, parks, and meadows. Eastern Bluebirds will build nests in tree cavities to protect their young, in a behavior similar to that of woodpeckers. Bluebirds will sometimes construct their nests within abandoned woodpecker holes of trees.

What do bluebirds symbolize?

The bluebird is a symbol of hope, love, and renewal and is also a part of many Native American legends. It symbolizes the essence of life and beauty. Dreaming of bluebirds often represents happiness, joy, fulfillment, hope, prosperity, and good luck.

How high off the ground should a bluebird house be?

Height: Bluebirds nest within a wide range of heights, from two to 50 feet. Mounting at eye level provides easy checking; however, if cats or other predators are problems, hang nest boxes at least six to eight feet from the ground.

What color should a bluebird house be?

Bluebirds prefer earthy tones, such as the colors of grass and dirt. For this reason, shades of brown and green are good choices. Bright colors attract other birds and predators, which is detrimental to bluebirds.

How far off the ground should a bluebird house be?

What are the 3 types of bluebirds?

The Three Bluebird Species There are THREE different kinds of bluebirds in North America, including the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis), Western Bluebird, and Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides). All are the same size with similar physical characteristics other than their color distribution.

What does the North American bluebird society do?

The North American Bluebird Society is a non-profit education, conservation and research organization that promotes the recovery of bluebirds and other native cavity-nesting bird species in North America. (Read more below.) You will find a variety of downloadable educational materials on our Fact Sheets & Plans page.

When was the Virginia Bluebird society founded?

The Virginia Bluebird Society (VBS) was founded in 1996 to promote bluebirds and other native cavity nesters. VBS is affiliated with The North American Bluebird Society (NABS) and is a Chapter of the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO).

Is the bluebird nest box fact sheet free?

These educational Fact Sheets and Plans for construction of Bluebird nest boxes/accessories are free to download and print (as indicated by (PDF) after each title) for your own use, or to use as handouts at Bluebird programs, or for anyone interested in Bluebirds. For further assistance, please use our Contact page.

Why are bluebirds declining in the United States?

Because of habitat loss, environmental pollution, and competition of non-native bird species (House Sparrows and European Starlings), bluebirds have suffered large declines compared to their original numbers. However, bluebirds have been shown to thrive in areas where there is human-provided housing that is actively monitored.

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