How do I make external links nofollow in WordPress?

How do I make external links nofollow in WordPress?

If you want to set your link to open in a new tab, just click the cog icon and click the ‘Open link in a new tab’ checkbox. Then, click the Add Link button. Now, click on the Text tab of the classic editor. You just need to add rel=”nofollow” to the link here.

Should external links be nofollow?

Using nofollow on all outbound links is just a ridiculous practice built out of fear of linking out. Using nofollow at a page level may end up hurting your own website. I recommend you not do it. Be careful not to use noindex and nofollow together in all situations just because you think they should be used together.

How do I make external links nofollow?

Adding NoFollow to All External Links in WordPress The first option in the plugin settings applies nofollow globally. You can keep it unchecked if only you have access to your theme files. Scroll down a little and enable ‘Add Nofollow’ by clicking the checkbox next to it.

How do I use external links in WordPress?

After logging into WordPress (

  1. Click on Appearance > Menus.
  2. In “Select a menu to edit” dropdown, choose the menu that you want to add a link to.
  3. Click Select, to load the menu.
  4. In the Pages window on the right, click on: Links.
  5. Enter the URL of the page you want added to the menu.

Is Noopener the same as nofollow?

It’s easy to mix rel=”noopener” with rel=”nofollow”. They are completely separate. The noopener attribute prevents your website from cross-site hacking and improves WordPress security. On the other hand, nofollow attribute prevents your website from passing on SEO link juice to the linked website.

What is nofollow link option?

What Are Nofollow Links? Nofollow links are links with a rel=”nofollow” HTML tag applied to them. The nofollow tag tells search engines to ignore that link. Because nofollow links do not pass PageRank they likely don’t impact search engine rankings.

What is nofollow external links?

When should I use nofollow link?

The nofollow tag allows a site to add a link that abstains from being an editorial vote. Using nofollow is a safe way to buy links, because it’s a machine-readable way to specify that a link doesn’t have to be counted as a vote by a search engine.

How do I get rid of nofollow on WordPress?

Disabling Nofollow in WordPress Comments Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Remove Nofollow to configure plugin settings. Remove Nofollow plugin allows you to remove nofollow from entire comments or just from comment author link. You can also dofollow both options.

How do I add an external page to my WordPress website?

8. Embed Content From Other or External Sites

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Create Embed & paste the URL in field.
  3. Click on Embed & copy the embed code.
  4. Paste it in your post or page and Save changes.

Should I use Noopener or Noreferrer?

The noopener is needed to enhance the security of your website and prevent other websites from gaining access to your page (through the browser session). The noreferrer is used to protect referral information from being passed to the target website and this also hides referral traffic in Google analytics.

Is there a way to add nofollow to external links in WordPress?

The good news is that WordPress adds the nofollow attribute to all comment links by default. If you’re still looking for a solution to automatically nofollow all external links, then you can use the WP External Links plugin. It adds the nofollow attribute to all external links in your posts, pages, navigation menus, and the sidebar.

Do you need to add rel nofollow attribute in WordPress?

If you only need to use the rel nofollow attribute infrequently, it’s not difficult to manually add the code yourself. This method is good for any links that you add in regular WordPress content. But if you want to nofollow links in your comments, the plugin in the next section offers a simpler implementation.

How do I add nofollow attribute to a link?

To add the nofollow attribute to your link, you need to select the block containing your link and then click on the 3 vertical dots icon present at the top bar. This will open a dropdown menu where you need to click on the Edit as HTML option.

What does it mean to have nofollow in HTML?

nofollow is an HTML attribute that allows you to tell Google and other search engines not to pass any SEO value to a specific link. Essentially, as the name suggests, it tells Google’s crawler robots not to “follow” the link. Here are some situations where you might want to use the nofollow attribute for external links:

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