What animal represents Massachusetts?

What animal represents Massachusetts?

State symbols

Type Symbol Law
Marine mammal Right whale M.G.L. Ch. 2, §16
Fossil Dinosaur track M.G.L. Ch. 2, §17
Mineral Babingtonite M.G.L. Ch. 2, §18
Song “All Hail to Massachusetts” by Arthur J. Marsh M.G.L. Ch. 2, §19

What is the US state mammal?

grizzly bear
State mammals

State Land mammal
California California grizzly bear (1953)
Colorado Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (1961)
Delaware Joe Biden (2021)

What is each state’s animal?

What Are The State Animals Of Each State In The USA?

State State Symbol
California grizzly bear
Colorado Rocky Mt. bighorn sheep
Connecticut sperm whale
Delaware gray fox

Why is the right whale the state animal of Massachusetts?

Adopted in 1980. It was so called because the flourishing whaling industry in Massachusetts found the cetacean the “right” whale to hunt, especially before 1750.

What is Massachusetts state reptile?

Garter snake
State reptiles

State State reptile Scientific name
Massachusetts Garter snake Thamnophis (whole genus)
Michigan Painted turtle Chrysemys picta
Mississippi American alligator Alligator mississippiensis
Missouri Three-toed box turtle Terrapene carolina subspecies triunguis

What is Massachusetts state gemstone?

State Gem or Gem Emblem Rhodonite is the most beautiful gem material found in the state. It varies in hue from a light pink to a deep rose or reddish pink and is associated with black manganese. It was adopted in 1979 as the gem or gem emblem of the Commonwealth.

What is Missouri’s state animal?

the Missouri mule
In 1995, Gov. Mel Carnahan signed a bill designating the Missouri mule as the official state animal.

What is the bird of Massachusetts?

Wild turkey
Black-capped chickadee
Massachusetts/State bird

What is Kentucky’s state mammal?

Gray squirrel
State mammals

State Mammal Other mammal 1
Kentucky Gray squirrel (wild game animal) (1968)
Louisiana Black bear (1992)
Maine Moose (animal) (1979) Maine Coon Cat (cat)(1985)
Maryland Calico Cat (cat)(2001)

What is Massachusetts state fish?

Atlantic cod
Massachusetts/State fish
State Fish or Fish Emblem The Cod (Gadus morrhua). A soft-finned fish, usually 10-20 lbs.

What is Massachusetts state bird?

What is Massachusetts state flower?

State Flower or Floral Emblem The MAYFLOWER (Epigaea repens), also commonly known as the ground laurel or trailing arbutus, has ovate hairy leaves and fragrant, pink or white, spring-blooming flowers with five petals.

What animals are native to Massachusetts?

Animal of Massachusetts. The most common large animals found in Massachusetts are whitetail deer . Black bears are occasionally seen in the western part of the state. Foxes, beavers, raccoons, weasels, skunks, woodchucks, muskrats , mice, squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits are fairly common.

What is the state animal of the state of Massachusetts?

Boston terrier is The National State Animal of Massachusetts. Massachusetts has several state animals. Most famous among them are the state dog, the Boston terrier; the state cat, the tabby; the state horse Morgan and the state marine mammal, the right whale.

What is Masschusetts state bird?

The Black-Capped Chickadee, (Penthestes atricapillus,) was adopted as the official Massachusetts State Bird by the Massachusetts Legislature on March 21, 1941. It is also known as the titmouse, tomtit, and the dickybird, and it is one of the most familiar of the North American birds.

What are the state animals?

A state mammal is the official mammal of a U.S. state as designated by a state’s legislature. Many states also have separately officially designated state animals, state birds, state fish, state butterflies, and state reptiles.

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