What exercise works the upper abs?

What exercise works the upper abs?

Upper Abs Workout

  • 3 Modified V-sit.
  • 4 Crunch.
  • 1 Hanging leg raise.
  • 3 Hanging knee raise.
  • 4 Garhammer raise.
  • 2 Seated Russian twist.
  • 3 Bicycle crunches.
  • 4 Plank.

Why is my upper tummy so big?

Upper belly fat can be the result of your body storing water weight. Sodium consumption, dehydration, and a lack of electrolytes can cause your body to retain water. This can make your stomach and other areas of your body appear swollen. Stick to a diet low in salt while you’re working to lose belly fat.

Do upper abs come in first?

The upper abs are always the first to show and they are also easier to target, since most common core exercises like crunches hit that area of your midsection.

What are the best stretches to do?

Extend your left leg behind you, keeping your leg straight and the top of your thigh, shin and foot on the ground. Add a torso twist by bringing your right hand up behind your right ear, and then twisting to your left so your elbow comes across your body. Repeat five to eight times on each side.

What are the best exercises for AB hypertrophy?

Abs Exercises: 10 of the Best To Add to Your Workout Barbell Floor Wiper. – Lie with your back flat on the floor and your arms extended holding the barbell above your chest. Medicine Ball Slam. – Standing up with your knees slightly bent lift the medicine ball directly over your head with your arms extended. Side Jackknife. Dragon Flag. Cable Woodchopper. Cocoon. Sandbag Sit-Up. Hanging Leg Raise.

What are the best exercises for abdominal muscles?

Bicycle exercise is the best abdominal muscle exercise to develop the ‘six pack’, and flatten the waist. For endurance training, plank exercises work great for the abdominal and the back muscles.

What stretches should I do before exercising?

The best type of stretching to perform before your workout is dynamic stretching. This is stretching that involves movement of the muscles. Dynamic stretching includes arm circles, weightless walking lunges, side bends and trunk rotations.

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