Can a mouth guard replace a CPAP machine?

Can a mouth guard replace a CPAP machine?

People with sleep apnea who can’t tolerate the noise and discomfort of a CPAP machine might benefit from a mouth guard or surgery.

How effective is SomnoDent?

Practitioners can now be assured that their patient is using and benefitting from the best possible treatment for sleep-disordered breathing. Clinically Effective – 15 independent studies demonstrate the device’s significant clinical benefits – 91% of patients reported improvement in sleep quality with SomnoDent¹.

Can a mouth guard stop sleep apnea?

Mouthguards are devices used to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep or from injuries while you play sports. They can also help to reduce snoring and relieve obstructive sleep apnea.

What is the new gadget for sleep apnea?

The device, the eXciteOSA, is a removable tongue muscle stimulation device that delivers neuromuscular stimulation to the tongue in order to reduce snoring and mild sleep apnea for patients who are 18 years or older.

How long does a SomnoDent last?

Answer: SomnoDent devices are covered under warranty for 2 years and should with normal use, last for 3-5 years. If you would like a list of SomnoMed Dentists in your area who can fit SomnoDent contact us.

What is the somnodent sleep apnea oral appliance?

Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance: SomnoDent. A SomnoDent sleep apnea oral appliance is a premium, custom-fitted dental device developed for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Which is the best mouthpiece for sleep apnea?

SomnoMed is an international leader in the design and manufacture of premium sleep apnea mouthpiece appliances. Since 2004, SomnoMed has pioneered the development of obstructive sleep apnea treatment solutions that put as much emphasis on the wearer’s comfort as they do on relieving the condition.

Why is the somnomed mouthpiece so effective for snoring?

A patented coupling mechanism on the lower arch is the reason the SomnoMed sleep apnea mouthpiece is more effective than other stop snoring devices. This key innovation positions the wearer’s jaw a little forward of its normal resting position.

Is the somnomed device covered by dental insurance?

SomnoMed device costs vary from patient to patient. Although you visit a dentist for a SomnoDent oral device, the device will most likely not be covered by your dental insurance. SomnoDent oral appliances/devices are covered by many health insurance plans as a medical device to treat sleep apnea.

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