How do I indent in Phpstorm?

How do I indent in Phpstorm?

Reformat line indents If you need to adjust indentation settings, in the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , go to Editor | Code Style. On the appropriate language page, on the Tabs and Indents tab, specify the appropriate indents options and click OK.

What is continuation indent?

Continuation indent is the indentation of statements that span multiple lines.

How do I autoformat in IntelliJ?

Reformat File dialog The dialog appears when you press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L in the editor of the current file. If you choose Code | Reformat Code from the main menu or press Ctrl+Alt+L , IntelliJ IDEA tries to reformat the source code of the specified scope automatically.

How do I rearrange the code in WebStorm?

Rearrange code entries

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , go to Editor | Code Style.
  2. Select a language for which you want to create arrangement rules.
  3. On the Arrangement tab, specify the appropriate options such as grouping and matching rules.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

How do I enable word wrap in Phpstorm?

( Ctrl + Shift + A on Windows using the Default keymap) can also be used to quickly change this option (instead of going into Settings/Preferences). File > Settings > Editor > Use Soft wraps in Editor.

How do you use prettier in WebStorm?

Install and configure Prettier in WebStorm

  1. In the embedded Terminal ( Alt+F12 ), type one of the following commands:
  2. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , go to Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier.
  3. From the Prettier package list, select the prettier installation to use.

What are smart tabs IntelliJ?

IDEA has a “smart tabs” option that you can turn on: If this check box is selected, IntelliJ IDEA inserts tabs for indentation and reformatting, but fine alignment to a necessary column is done only via spaces. This is done in order to preserve visual representation of the source code, when the Tab Size is changed.

What is continuation indent IntelliJ?

Tabs and Indents A TAB character appears when you press Tab . Indent is a position of a text relative to the margin. In our case, the margin is a gutter with line numbers. Continuation indent. Add a number of SPACE characters to an indent on a next line for a multiline expression.

How do I indent JSON in IntelliJ?

On Windows use Ctrl Alt L . Note that this only works if the code is well-formed JSON (clear any red squiggles). You don’t need to highlight for it to work (if you want to do it on the full file).

How do I use Google formatter in IntelliJ?

To enable it in the current project, go to File→Settings… →google-java-format Settings (or IntelliJ IDEA→Preferences… →Other Settings→google-java-format Settings on macOS) and check the Enable google-java-format checkbox. (A notification will be presented when you first open a project offering to do this for you.)

How do you indent on WebStorm?

Command + Alt + L for “Reformat Code”. Ctrl + Alt + I for “Auto-indent line(s)”. You can also select a block of text with the cursor and use tab or shift+tab to move the block to the right and to the left, respectively.

How do I align in WebStorm?

7 Answers. Cmd+Alt+L (in Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+L (Win) and PHP Storm will format code depends of your Code style in Settings. TO set this code style go: File -> Settings -> Code style -> PHP(choose here your language) -> Other -> Align key-value pair – mark as checked. And then press Reformat code (Ctrl+Alt+L) and voila.

Where do I find indents in PHP Editor?

On the appropriate language page, on the Tabs and Indents tab, specify the appropriate indents options and click OK. In some cases, the option Detect and use existing file indents for editing located in the Indent Detection section in Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style can override your settings.

How do I reformat a fragment in PhpStorm?

Reformat a code fragment in a file In the editor, select a code fragment you want to reformat. From the main menu, select Code | Reformat Code or press Ctrl+Alt+L. If you don’t select a code fragment, PhpStorm will reformat the whole file.

How to delete tabs and spaces in PhpStorm?

If this checkbox is cleared, PhpStorm will delete the tab characters and spaces. Select this checkbox to have the code enclosed in tags indented against the opening

How do you reformat a part of a file in PHP?

You can reformat a part of code, the whole file, group of files, or a directory. You can also exclude part of code or some files from the reformatting. In the editor, select a code fragment you want to reformat. From the main menu, select Code | Reformat Code or press Ctrl+Alt+L.

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