How do I know if the pressure in my head is serious?

How do I know if the pressure in my head is serious?

However, intense or persistent pressure in the head may indicate a severe underlying medical condition. People should seek immediate medical attention if they experience a sudden, severe headache that is accompanied by neck stiffness, slurred speech, or other symptoms that could be serious.

What helps a heavy head and dizziness?

Treatment options

  1. Anticholinergics: These medications include scopolamine, which is traditionally used to treat seasickness.
  2. Antiemetics: These drugs treat nausea that a person may experience as a result of their dizziness.
  3. Antihistamines: These drug types can reduce the effects of motion sickness.

What are weird symptoms of COVID-19?

What are some of the unusual symptoms of COVID-19?

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. COVID-19 might cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea — either alone or with other COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Loss of smell or taste.
  • Skin changes.
  • Confusion.
  • Eye problems.

What causes light headed?

Hunger is one of the most common causes of light headedness. Hunger results in drop of blood sugar level, which in turn can trigger an episode of light headedness in an individual. In individuals suffering from diabetes, drop in blood sugar levels is one of the most common causes of dizziness and light headedness.

Why do I always feel light headed?

Some people are simply predisposed to feeling lightheaded or even fainting when they get hot and sweaty and lose too much fluid. “It’s common in a hot room, like standing in church in the summer,” Thiruganasambandamoorthy says. “Heat triggers a pathway in the nervous system that causes blood pressure to drop.”.

Why do I keep getting light headed for no reason?

Causes of lightheadedness may be dehydration, medication side effects, sudden blood pressure drops, low blood sugar, and heart disease or stroke. Feeling woozy, lightheaded, or a little faint is a common complaint among older adults. Although it’s not usually caused by anything life-threatening, it could be, so you need to be careful.

What are resons to become light headed or dizzy?

9 Possible Reasons Why You’re Dizzy Dehydration. Some people are simply predisposed to feeling lightheaded or even fainting when they get hot and sweaty and lose too much fluid. Surprises. A similar reaction can be triggered when your college roommate jumps out from behind the couch at your surprise birthday party. Abnormal heart rhythm. Heart valve problems. Low blood sugar. Stroke.

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