What is the best seed for speedrun Minecraft Pocket Edition?

What is the best seed for speedrun Minecraft Pocket Edition?

Best seeds for speedrunning in Minecraft 1.16

  1. Surface Lava and Blaze Spawner (Seed: 4593508206698907404)
  2. Ruined Nether Portal and Abandoned Village (Seed: 737846020)
  3. Mansion, Mesa Biome, and Lava Pool (Seed: 8767654563534078661)
  4. Dream Seed (Seed: 6798331664095837875)
  5. Epic Seed (Seed: 6592695132100283900)

What is the sunflower Kingdom seed Minecraft?

Sunflower Kingdom This is a very flat seed, and probably one of the best seeds players can enter to build. This seed is flat for a pretty long way. When it starts getting bumpy it is only a little layered, but still fairly flat for a Minecraft world. Players may also find a village or ruined portal nearby in this seed!

Is there a flat seed for Minecraft PE?

Amazing Flat Seed! Minecraft Pocket Edition Seed The seed “MCPE” is an extremely flat seed with lots of building space. It is incredible by how flat this seed is. Go ahead and check it out for yourself! (THIS SEED IS OPTIMIZED FOR THE MINECRAFT PE VERSION 0.

Where do you spawn incredibly flat seed in Minecraft?

Incredibly Flat Seed When you start up this seed, you will discover it is one of the flattest seeds you’ve come across. You spawn in a plains biome, and next to it is a sunflower forest. This is completely flat for about 20 blocks and then gets slightly hilly.

Can you make a flat land in Minecraft?

Flat Land Minecraft seeds! Minecraft seeds are codes that players can enter into the Minecraft menu to generate different worlds. Players can enter seeds to spawn into all different kinds of biomes such as mountains, snow, or deserts.

Where do you spawn in a Plains biome?

You spawn in a plains biome, and next to it is a sunflower forest. This is completely flat for about 20 blocks and then gets slightly hilly. You spawn looking directly into a Sunflower patch. Directly behind you, the super flat area begins. Just turn around, and you will see a huge flat expanse pan out in front of you.

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