How much longer is the hateful eight extended version?

How much longer is the hateful eight extended version?

Tarantino’s theatrical cut ran 168 minutes, while the four episodes of the extended cut make up 210 minutes.

How many hours is the hateful eight?

The Hateful Eight

type Movie
genre Western
mpaa R
runtime 187 minutes
director Quentin Tarantino

Was the hateful eight filmed in a blizzard?

8 Real & Fake Snow Was Used For The Blizzards Filming primarily took place in the mountains of Colorado during the wintertime. However, for the scenes depicting the whiteout blizzard, the production crew kept running into good weather.

Is hateful eight a sequel to Django?

The Hateful Eight Originated As A Sequel To Another Quentin Tarantino Movie. Quentin Tarantino began writing The Hateful Eight as a sequel novel to Django Unchained, and it helped him figure out how to make the story work.

How many chapters are in The Hateful Eight?

A quick glance on Netflix shows that The Hateful Eight: Extended Version’s “season one” is four chapters at a respective running time of 50, 51, 53 and 56 minutes. The version that was already on Netflix (and the one that still shows up first when you do a search, at least on my Roku) is 167 minutes.

How cold was The Hateful Eight filmed?

All of us are so anxious to see this movie because, every day, the work was incredible. It was taxing, in a very interesting way, because we were in the snow, at first, and then we get inside this room. Quentin shot on a refrigerated set, and it was 30 degrees, every day, in there.

Is hateful 8 Extended better?

The theatrical version has a runtime of 168 minutes, while the four episodes of the extended cut come in at a whopping 210 minutes. The time difference is because they play the full opening and closing credits on each “episode”.

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