What is the function of 09h of int 21h?

What is the function of 09h of int 21h?

INT 21h – The general function despatcher

Action: Writes a string to the display.
On entry: AH = 09h DS:DX = segment:offset of string
Returns: Nothing
Notes: The string must be terminated by the $ character (24h), which is not transmitted. Any ASCII codes can be embedded within the string.

What does int 21h mean in assembly language?

int 21h means, call the interrupt handler 0x21 which is the DOS Function dispatcher. the “mov ah,01h” is setting AH with 0x01, which is the Keyboard Input with Echo handler in the interrupt.

What is mov ah 02H in assembly language?

MOV AH, 02H; request display character. MOV DL, CHAR; character to display. INT 21H. – Display character in D2 at current cursor position. The tab, carriage return and line feed characters act normally and the operation automatically advances the cursor.

What is 09h in assembly language?

Example: DOS function 09h: display a string of characters whose offset is specified by DX. DOS function 08h: input a key to AL.

What is the function of INT 10H with AH 09h?

INT 10h / AH = 09h – write character and attribute at cursor position. input: AL = character to display. BH = page number.

What is int 21h and INT 10H?

Use INT 10H function calls to: – Clear the screen. Use INT 21H function calls to: – Input characters from the keyboard. – Output characters to the screen.

What is the function of the MOV a #21h?

What is the function of MOV A 21H?

Function number Description
01h e.g. mov ah,01h int 21h Keyboard input with echo: This operation accepts a character from the keyboard buffer. If none is present, waits for keyboard entry. It returns the character in AL.

What is Int 16H in assembly language?

INT 16h, INT 16H or INT 22 is shorthand for BIOS interrupt call 16hex, the 22nd interrupt vector in an x86-based computer system. The BIOS typically sets up a real mode interrupt handler at this vector that provides keyboard services. This interruption is responsible for control of the PC keyboard.

What does the int 21h accomplish if ah contains 4ch?

on ah=4ch int 21h , the program will terminate control to the operating system. (end the program) And int 21h is a dos interrupt.

What is INT 21h & INT 10H?

What are the control characters of INT 21h?

Many INT 21h functions act upon the following control characters: 08h – Backspace (moves one column to the left) 09h – Horizontal tab (skips forward n columns) 0Ah – Line feed (moves to next output line) 0Ch – Form feed (moves to next printer page) 0Dh – Carriage return (moves to leftmost output column) 1Bh – Escape character

How to call the function AH with 0Ch?

Call with: AH = 0CH AL = number of input to be invoked after resetting buffer (must be 01H, 06H, 07H, 08H or 0AH) If AL = 0AH DS: DX = segment: offset of input buffer Returns: If called with AL = 01H, 06H, 07H, or 08H,

What is the function number in Al except 01h?

A function number in AL except 01H, 06H, 07H, 08H, or 0AH flushes the input buffer and returns control to the calling program. Sample Chapters from book DATA RECOVERY WITH AND WITHOUT PROGRAMMINGby Author Tarun Tyagi

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