Who is Allison Speer married to?

Who is Allison Speer married to?

entrepreneur Frederic Moll
In 2009, just after she married doctor and medical entrepreneur Frederic Moll, retail openings stalled. Speer spent the time with her new family, including three stepdaughters, who now live in New York and Montana.

Are any of the Speer family still alive?

Mary Tom Speer-Reid died on September 16, 2014, aged 89. Ben Speer died on April 7, 2017 at age 86. A month later, Rosa Nell Speer-Powell, who was the last survivor of the original Speer Family, died on May 16, 2017 at the age of 94.

Where are the Speer family from?

Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Speer Family/Origin

Are Ben Speer and Allison related?

The New Speers Family is made up of Brian Speer and his wife, Allison, Mike Allen and Southern Gospel newcomer, Ben Waites. Brock met his wife, Faye Ihrig Speer, while she was singing in a Trevecca ladies trio. The two married in 1948, and Faye left her studies to tour with the Speer Family, singing alto in the group.

Who sang with the Speer Family?

Two other children followed: Mary Tom, who would sing alto, born June 13, 1925, and Ben Lacy, who would sing tenor, born June 26, 1930. The family’s first official group was known as the Speer Quartet; it consisted of G. T., Lena, G. T.’s sister Pearl, and her husband, Logan Claborn.

Who married Ben Speer?

Rebekah Longm. 2014–2017
Ben Speer/Spouse

How old was Brock Speer when he died?

78 years (1920–1999)
Brock Speer/Age at death

What church did the Speer Family attend?

Every morning Brock was away from the family, Dad Speer walked to the nearby Nazarene church and prayed for Brock’s safety with the church’s pastor. Brock discharged from the Army as a corporal. Family moved to Nashville, TN, for Brock to attend Trevecca Nazarene College on the G.I. Bill.

Who all sang with the Speer Family?

What Southern Gospel singer died recently?

Jonathan Pierce, remembered fondly by the Southern Gospel community for his three years with The Imperials as well as three years with the Gaither Vocal Band, died Sunday at the age of 49.

Who is Allison Speer and what does she do?

Allison Speer is a Chrisitan music artist, singer, speaker, and jewelry creator based in Nashville, TN.

Who are the Speer ladies in gospel music?

The names Rosa Nell and Mary Tom have rarely been mentioned apart over the span of gospel music history. They were perhaps the most integral part of the early history of the Speer Family. If Mom Speer set the standard for what it took to be a Speer lady, Mary Tom and Rosa Nell defined the musical sound.

What kind of GPA does Allison Speer have?

Allison is an artist and can paint, sculpt, make beautiful glass jewelry, and make anything with her hands. She has an immense drive to learn and is a junior at Liberty University in their online school of religion. Her GPA stands at 3.95, something I’m very proud of. ! e GPA shows that Allison is a very hard worker.

Who was the lead singer in the Speer Family?

The group’s concerts featured several duet songs by “Dad” and “Mom” Speer, and several songs with Brock singing alto and Rosa Nell singing lead. In 1934, “Dad” Speer accepted a full-time job with the Vaughan Music Company.

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