What are pages vs posts on Blogger?

What are pages vs posts on Blogger?

Think of pages as your static content or “one-off” kind of content that will seldom need changing. This might for example be your About page, and is seen as timeless entities. Posts on the other hand are your blog entries or dynamic content that gets added regularly. Lets have a look at the two in more detail.

What is difference between a pages and posts?

In a nutshell, pages are used for static content, whereas posts are for more timely content that is regularly updated. Depending on your website, you can have any combination of pages and posts.

What are pages for on Blogger?

You can create pages for consistent content like “About” or “Contact.” Pages can show up as tabs at the top of your blog or as links on the side.

What is difference between blog and page?

The only difference is that blogs have frequently updated content and websites tend to be much more static and is organized into pages. A blog can be a website on its own or a part of a bigger site. The content is written and updated regularly in blog format, but we also have static pages like our “about us” page.

What is the difference between a blog and a post?

If it’s written on a blog, an article can be called a blog post. A blog post, on the other hand, isn’t usually called an article. Where the line is drawn is a bit fuzzy, but as long as you don’t call either one a “blog,” you’re in good shape.

Which is better for SEO pages or posts?

Blog posts can of course contain videos and images, and these things can influence rankings, but text remains the main driver of SEO. Website pages are more likely than blog posts to acquire links, as they are the natural place for linkers to send traffic.

How many pages can you have on Blogger?

Blogger is a great platform for beginning bloggers and has some amazing features. However, Blogger also has many limitations. Once such limitation is that Blogger only allows you to add up to 20 pages on your blog.

What is difference between blog and post?

Is Blogger a website?

Blogs are a type of website. The only real difference between a blog and other types of website is that blogs are updated on a regular basis with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order (new blog posts first). In simple terms, all blogs can be a website or part of a website.

What’s the difference between pages and posts on a blog?

Understanding Posts and Pages On a blog, articles (or news, stories, etc) are published as posts. These appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest posts at the top of the list or (in a grid layout) on the top left of the screen. Blog posts normally have a timestamp showing when they were published.

How are new posts published on a blog?

Whatever blogging system you use, you’ll have two different ways to publish new content: as blog posts or as blog pages. On a blog, articles (or news, stories, etc) are published as posts. These appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest posts at the top of the list or (in a grid layout) on the top left of the screen.

When to add a page to your blog?

You can create pages for consistent content like “About” or “Contact.” Pages can appear on your blog as tabs at the top or links on the side. Note: You cannot use specific posts as pages.

Where do I go to read a blog post?

You might go to the site to read the latest ones (often on the home page), or they might go straight to your inbox. And if you follow the blogger on social media, you may well see them posting links to their latest posts. But posts aren’t the only type of content you need to create as a blogger.

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