What are the long term side effects of taking Synthroid?

What are the long term side effects of taking Synthroid?

Long-term side effects of Synthroid can include osteoporosis and heart problems. Short-term side effects include a racing heartbeat, feeling hot all the time, headaches, feeling shaky or nervous, trouble sleeping, among others.

What are the most common side effects of Synthroid?

Common side effects of Synthroid include:

  • fever,
  • hot flashes,
  • sensitivity to heat,
  • sweating,
  • headache,
  • nervousness,
  • irritability,
  • nausea,

What does Synthroid do to your body?

Synthroid is a man-made hormone, identical to the hormone made by the thyroid gland and has the same effect on the body. It replaces the amount of hormone the thyroid is unable to or can no longer make, helping to restore your thyroid hormone levels to the range they need to be.

Why is Synthroid bad?

Overtreatment may cause detrimental cardiac effects (such as an increase in heart rate, precipitation of angina, or arrhythmias). The elderly and people with pre-existing cardiac disease are most at risk. Synthroid may worsen blood glucose control in people with diabetes.

What foods should be avoided when taking Synthroid?

Foods containing soy and cottonseed meal can make Synthroid less effective. Walnuts, grapefruit juice, and dietary fiber can also make Synthroid less effective. If you eat any of these on a regular basis, check with your doctor. He or she may need to adjust your dose of Synthroid.

Is thyroid medication for lifetime?

An underactive thyroid is a lifelong condition, so you’ll usually need to take levothyroxine for the rest of your life. If you’re prescribed levothyroxine because you have an underactive thyroid, you’re entitled to a medical exemption certificate. This means you do not have to pay for your prescriptions.

Can you survive without thyroid medication?

People can live for a very long time without thyroid hormones, but they will develop symptoms that decrease their quality of life. A lack of thyroid hormones can also increase your risk for other health conditions that can shorten your life expectancy, including heart disease and obesity.

What foods to avoid while taking Synthroid?

Foods containing soy and cottonseed meal can make Synthroid less effective. Walnuts, grapefruit juice, and dietary fiber can also make Synthroid less effective. If you eat any of these on a regular basis, check with your doctor.

How does Synthroid make you feel?

(And Synthroid is used to replace or add to the natural thyroid hormones in your body.) So certain changes in your thyroid hormone levels may cause you to feel anxious or nervous. If you’re having anxiety while taking Synthroid, talk with your doctor.

Can you drink coffee after taking Synthroid?

8) You take your Synthroid or levothyroxine with coffee In studies, coffee reduced the body’s absorption of thyroid medications by about 30%. That’s why experts recommend that you wait at least 60 minutes after drinking coffee to take your thyroid replacement medication.

Can I take Synthroid at night?

This study suggests that taking levothyroxine at bedtime results in better absorption than taking it before breakfast. This confirms that taking levothyroxine at different times can result in different levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, emphasizing the need to take it at the same time every day.

What are the side effects of not taking prescribed Synthroid?

If you skip or completely discontinue your medicine, you can experience a number of short-term and long-term consequences, including: Debilitating weight loss or weight gain. Dramatically increased appetite and thirst. Nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks. Heat intolerance, sweating. Fatigue or muscle weakness.

Does Synthroid interact with other medications?

Synthroid can interact with many other medications and foods. Several drugs can interfere with Synthroid being absorbed if they are taken around the same time. They should be separated from Synthroid by at least four hours. Examples of these drugs include antacids, iron, calcium,…

Is it safe to stop taking my Synthroid medication?

Even if your hypothyroidism symptoms go away, do not stop taking Synthroid or change the way you take it without first talking to your doctor. Not taking Synthroid as prescribed could affect your thyroid levels.

Why is Synthroid the most prescribed medication?

Synthroid (levothyroxine) is a thyroid medicine that replaces a hormone normally produced by your thyroid gland to regulate the body’s energy and metabolism. Levothyroxine is given when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own. Synthroid is used to treat hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone).

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