What do we mean by disastrous?

What do we mean by disastrous?

1 : attended by or causing suffering or disaster : calamitous a disastrous flood. 2 : terrible, horrendous a disastrous score.

What is the full meaning of acquittal?

Acquittal is a formal declaration in a court of law that someone who has been accused of a crime is innocent. The trial resulted in acquittals on all but one count.

What does Astrous mean?

(Greek: star, stars)

What is the base word of disastrous?

Disastrous comes from the French désastreux, “ill-starred” or “unlucky.”

What is the synonym of disastrous?

1’a disastrous fire’ catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, tragic. devastating, ravaging, ruinous, harmful, injurious, detrimental, adverse. dire, terrible, awful, shocking, appalling, dreadful, grievous, horrible, black, dark, bad. unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, ill-starred, inauspicious, unfavourable.

Does acquittal mean not guilty?

Definition. At the end of a criminal trial, a finding by a judge or jury that a defendant is not guilty. An acquittal signifies that a prosecutor failed to prove his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt, not that a defendant is innocent.

What does unanimously acquitted mean?

acquitted; acquitting. Essential Meaning of acquit. : to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime The jury acquitted the defendant because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him of the crime.

What kind of adjective is disastrous?

causing great distress or injury; ruinous; very unfortunate; calamitous: The rain and cold proved disastrous to his health. Archaic.

What is famine disaster?

famine, severe and prolonged hunger in a substantial proportion of the population of a region or country, resulting in widespread and acute malnutrition and death by starvation and disease. Famines usually last for a limited time, ranging from a few months to a few years.

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