What is Congalala?

What is Congalala?

Basically a large giant pink ape, with a head resembling a hippo, Congalala reside in a variety of forests and other environments.

What is Plesioth weak to?


MHGen-Plesioth Render 001.jpg
Species Piscine Wyvern
Element Weakness(es) Fire, Thunder
Afflicted Element(s) Water
Afflicted Ailment(s) Waterblight, Sleep

What is Iodrome weak to?


MH4-Iodrome and Ioprey Render 001.jpg
Species Bird Wyvern
Location(s) Primal Forest, Volcanic Hollow, Marshlands, Ingle Isle,
Element Weakness(es) Thunder, Water
Afflicted Element(s) None

What is Magnamalo based on?

“The main inspiration for Magnamalo came from samurai armor. While not a yokai per se, an armored samurai ghost is a well-known image, and we took this as the base for Magnamalo’s design.”

What is Gravios weak against?

This page contains information on the Monster – Gravios….Gravios.

MH4-Gravios Render 001.jpg
Species Flying Wyvern
Element Weakness(es) Water
Afflicted Element(s) Fire
Afflicted Ailment(s) Fireblight, Sleep

Where can I get Congalala mh4u?

Habitat. In the Old World Congalala reside primarily in areas such as the Jungle, Old Jungle, and Swamp. Their New World counterparts can be found in the Primal Forest, Heaven’s Mount, and Sunken Hollow.

How do you beat Green Plesioth?

For Gunners, let me tell you this: unless you have a strong, thunder element bow, you should go with a bowgun. A bow’s firepower is not enough to kill the Green Plesioth quickly. It will kill it, but the fight will be long and drawn out. If you’ve got a strong thunder bow, though (like the Sonic Bow), then use it.

What is daimyo Hermitaur weak to?

Daimyo Hermitaur

MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Render 001.jpg
Species Carapaceon
Location(s) Jungle, Desert, Deserted Island, Primal Forest, Dunes,
Element Weakness(es) Thunder
Afflicted Element(s) Water

Where are Larinoth?

Larinoth can only be found in the Jurassic Frontier thus far.

Can you cut off Magnamalo tail?

Magnamalo’s face, forelegs, and back can be wounded, and its tail can be severed. Similar to Velkhana, as well as Glavenus and its subspecies, Magnamalo’s severed tail piece will stick in the ground.

What is Magnomalo weak to?

If you look at its weaknesses and resistances, it’s most susceptible to Water and Electric attacks across the board. Cutting weapons (like swords) and blunt weapons (like hammers) do substantial damage too. Fire and Dragon damage are completely nullified, so don’t bring any of those into the fight.

Is Gravios in MH rise?

Gravios is a wyvern that is mainly spotted near volcanoes. Just like its name, the “Armor Wyvern”, implies, it has an extremely hard carapace that is hard to penetrate….【Very Likely】Gravios.

First Appearance Monster Hunter (PS2)
Other Name Armor Wyvern

What kind of animal is a Blangonga?

Blangongas are incredibly aggressive creatures. They will ruthlessly attack hunters and prey, yet shy away from anything larger than themselves. Blangonga live in cold habitats. Their thick coat keeps them warm and serves as the perfect camouflage. Click on Expand to see contents.

What do you need to know about Blangonga’s Roar?

Blangonga’s roar requires Earplugs to block. Blangonga’s tremors requires Tremor Res +1 to block. Fire element is no longer required to break its fangs. Blangonga can be a pet. It is shown that Blangonga will eat Amber Ore surprisingly.

Who is the Blangonga in Monster Hunter 2?

Blangonga is a Fanged Beast introduced in Monster Hunter 2 . As the alpha-male of the pack, the Blangonga is twice as large as the average Blango with a much more aggressive temperament. Its strong, muscled limbs allow it to run and leap at a startling speed, and its powerful roar can catch hunters unaware without adequate hearing protection .

What happens if you break a Blangonga’s tail?

Threat Level (危険度): !!!! Blangonga’s fangs and tail can be broken. The fangs can only be broken with Fire Element. Breaking its fangs will also cause its Roar to become ineffective and it will no longer summon Blangos. Another weakness sign signalling a capture that a Blangonga shows is that, its cheek will turn from light blue to dark blue.

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