What is Section 7A public health services?

What is Section 7A public health services?

The NHS public health functions agreement sets out the arrangements under which the Secretary of State delegates responsibility to NHS England for certain public health services (known as Section 7A services). The services currently commissioned in this way are: national immunisation programmes.

What is commissioning in public health?

Commissioning is the process of procuring health services. It is a complex process, involving the assessment and understanding of a population’s health needs, the planning of services to meet those needs and securing services on a limited budget, then monitoring the services procured.

Who commissions public health services?

NHS England
Some public health services are also directly commissioned by NHS England.

What is an NHS service specification?

Service specifications are important in clearly defining the standards of care expected from organisations funded by NHS England to provide specialised care.

How does the NHS promote public health?

Everyone has a responsibility for their own health, but the NHS is also responsible for helping people to improve their health and wellbeing. The NHS’s role in preventing poor health and promoting healthy living is essential to reduce health inequalities and sustain the NHS for future generations.

What is commissioning in local government?

Commissioning is the strategic activity of identifying need, allocating resources and procuring a provider to best meet that need, within available means. Put simply, strategic commissioning enables councils and their partners to procure services that will deliver the priority outcomes set out in their strategic plans.

What is a Section 75 agreement NHS?

Section 75 agreement Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 allows partners (NHS bodies and councils) to contribute to a common fund which can be used to commission health or social care related services. This power allows a local authority to commission health services and NHS commissioners to commission social care.

What does an NHS commissioner do?

Commissioning is the process of assessing needs, planning and prioritising, purchasing and monitoring health services, to get the best health outcomes.

How do you write a service specification?

Help on procurement

  1. 1 – Background and Context. Include aims and objectives of providing the service.
  2. 2 – Statement of Requirements.
  3. 3 – Inputs, Outputs and Outcomes.
  4. 4 – Outcomes.
  5. 5 – Performance Measures.
  6. 6 – Targets/Key Perfermance Indicators.
  7. 7 – Service Timescales.
  8. 8 – Resources.

What is a service specification?

The service specifications are written guidelines that clarify all the requirements and objectives of each specific stage of the service experience and touchpoint. The service specifications typically mention also the design principles that inspired the entire project, defining the foundation of the overall experience.

Is Public Health England the same as NHS England?

On 1 October 2021 a number of public health functions will transfer from Public Health England to NHS England. From this date, NHS England will be the Controller for personal data that is processed to support these functions under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

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