What is the function of the spleen in the lymphatic system?

What is the function of the spleen in the lymphatic system?

Spleen: This largest lymphatic organ is located on your left side under your ribs and above your stomach. The spleen filters and stores blood and produces white blood cells that fight infection or disease.

What are the major functions of the thymus and the spleen?

The primary lymphoid organs are the red bone marrow, in which blood and immune cells are produced, and the thymus, where T-lymphocytes mature. The lymph nodes and spleen are the major secondary lymphoid organs; they filter out pathogens and maintain the population of mature lymphocytes.

What is the shape of spleen?

The spleen is an organ in the upper far left part of the abdomen, to the left of the stomach. The spleen varies in size and shape between people, but it’s commonly fist-shaped, purple, and about 4 inches long. Because the spleen is protected by the rib cage, you can’t easily feel it unless it’s abnormally enlarged.

Whats the structure of the spleen?

The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body. Surrounded by a connective tissue capsule, which extends inward to divide the organ into lobules, the spleen consists of two types of tissue called white pulp and red pulp. The white pulp is lymphatic tissue consisting mainly of lymphocytes around arteries.

How are healthy blood cells broken down in the spleen?

Healthy blood cells simply pass through the spleen and continue to circulate throughout your bloodstream. Blood cells that can’t pass the test will be broken down in your spleen by macrophages. Macrophages are large white blood cells that specialize in destroying these unhealthy red blood cells.

What is the function of T cells in the spleen?

Spleen Function. T-cells contain proteins called T-cell receptors that populate the T-cell membrane. They are capable of recognizing various types of antigens (substances that provoke an immune response). T-lymphocytes are derived from the thymus and travel to the spleen via blood vessels.

What is the function of platelets in the spleen?

Platelets are blood components that help the blood clot to stop blood loss. Red blood cells are released from the spleen into blood circulation to help compensate for blood loss. The spleen is a lymphatic organ that performs the valuable function of filtering blood.

Where is the spleen located in the lymphatic system?

The spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system. Located in the upper left region of the abdominal cavity, the spleen’s primary function is to filter blood of damaged cells, cellular debris, and pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Like the thymus, the spleen houses and aids in the maturation of immune system cells called lymphocytes.

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