What is Winlogon service?

What is Winlogon service?

In computing, Winlogon (Windows Logon) is the component of Microsoft Windows operating systems that is responsible for handling the secure attention sequence, loading the user profile on logon, and optionally locking the computer when a screensaver is running (requiring another authentication step).

Can I disable Winlogon?

You can’t disable this process. It’s a crucial part of Windows and must be running at all times. There’s no reason to disable it, anyway, as it just uses a tiny amount of resources in the background to perform critical system functions.

Is Winlogon a virus?

What is winlogon.exe? winlogon.exe is a legitimate process file popularly known as Windows NT Logon Application. It is located in C:\Windows\System32 by default. Malware programmers create files with virus scripts and name them after winlogon.exe virus with an intention to spread virus on the internet.

What is Winlogon in registry?

Winlogon is a Windows component which handles various activities such as the Logon, Logoff, loading user profile during authentication, shutdown, lock screen etc. This kind of behavior is managed by the registry which defines which processes to start during Windows logon.

Where is WinLogon in registry?

Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon subkey in the registry. Double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type your user name, and then click OK.

What is WinLogon exe in Task Manager?

WinLogon.exe is the Windows NT login manager. It handles the login and logout procedures on your system. This process is an essential part of your OS and should be left alone. Scorpio. Look for sign (click on this process look downwindow (Security Task Manager) Properties Microsoft signed file).

How do I fix a winlogon exe file?

Replies (2) 

  1. click start, all programs, accessories,
  2. Right click on command prompt, select Run as administrator.
  3. Hit enter.
  4. Type Echo Y| chkdsk C: /R.
  5. reboot the computer.

Can I close Taskhost exe?

Since this is an integral part of the operating system, I wouldn’t suggest you to delete it. However, for the high CPU consumption issue, please use Performance Monitor to view performance data either in real time or from a log file.

What is Winlogon registry?

What does winlogon.exe do when you sign in?

This process performs a variety of critical tasks related to the Windows sign-in process. For example, when you sign in, the winlogon.exe process is responsible for loading your user profile into the registry. This allows programs to use the keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER, which are different for each Windows user account.

When does the logoff event occur in Winlogon?

This event occurs when the user locks the workstation. This event occurs when a user logs off from the system. The Logoff event is performed synchronously, even if the notification package’s registry settings indicate that it can handle events asynchronously. This event occurs when a user logs on the system.

What is the registry key used in Winlogon?

In this way, the processes of the user can use the special registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Winlogon does this automatically after a successful logon but before activation of the shell for the newly logged-on user. When a user logs on, the GINA is responsible for creating one or more initial processes for that user.

How are Windows credentials validated in Winlogon service?

By default, Windows credentials are validated against the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database on the local computer, or against Active Directory on a domain-joined computer, through the Winlogon service.

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