How long do Eddie Bauer car seats last?

How long do Eddie Bauer car seats last?

eight year
The Eddie Bauer SureFit Infant Car Seat will have an eight year life from year of manufacture.

How long do car seats expire?

Yes, car seats typically expire after six years from the date of manufacture. A sticker that provides the serial number includes manufacture and expiration dates.

Is it OK to use an expired car seat?

A spokesperson wrote back: “There are no actual rules or regulations in the U.S. about using an expired date car seat.” The U.S. government isn’t oblivious to the possibility that a child safety seat could degrade over time.

Is a car seat from 2013 still good?

Booster Car Seat was manufactured for December 14, 2013 then the expiration date is 6 years. If the car seat was manufactured after December 14, 2013 then the expiration date is 8 years. if manufactured before and after December 14, 2013 then it expires in 6 years.

What happens if I use an expired car seat?

A car seat or booster seat that has expired should be permanently disposed of so it cannot be reused by any one else. Car seat technicians tell parents to “destroy” the car seat. This means cutting the harness straps and removing the padding prior to recycling the car seat or putting it in the trash.

Can you use a car seat past the expiration date?

Expired car seats may not adequately protect riders in the event of a crash. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urges parents to avoid using car seats that are past their use-by dates, or seats without expiration dates that are more than six years from date of manufacture.

Do car seats actually expire?

Car seat manufacturers decide them based on the expected useful life of their product. Most car seats expire after 6 to 7 years from the date of manufacturer. Note that is not the date of purchase; it could have sat on the store shelf for months or longer. RideSafer vests currently have a 10-year expiration date.

Can I use car seat past expiration date?

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