Should I relay the mass fusion?

Should I relay the mass fusion?

Mass Fusion (/ Spoils of War) Upon entering the relay, one should get a warning that relaying to the Mass Fusion building will make them a permanent enemy to the Brotherhood of Steel. Continue and the player character will be teleported to the Mass Fusion executive suite.

What happens if you relay to mass fusion?

Upon entering the relay, one will get a warning that relaying to the Mass Fusion building will make them a permanent enemy to the Brotherhood of Steel. Continue and the player will be teleported to the Mass Fusion executive suite.

What happens if I inform Brotherhood of mass fusion?

Additionally, alerting the Brotherhood will result in you being banished from the Institute, and thus unable to complete the game with that faction. Similarly, doing Spoils of War will result in you being kicked out of the Institute. Informing the Brotherhood may be desireable, see the possibilities of doing so below.

Should I side with the institute?

Siding with the Institute will pit you against both the Railroad and the Brotherhood of Steel factions. The Minutemen, of course, are spared from the Institute’s wrath. The Institute needs an new leader, and you’re in need of a nuclear family.

What’s the best Fallout 4 ending?

Fallout 4: Why Siding With the Commonwealth Minutemen Is the BEST Ending. A faction players can literally build from the ground up, the Commonwealth Minutemen can lead to the best, most peaceful ending of Fallout 4.

Should you help the institute Fallout 4?

You’ll need to continue to keep the Institute on friendly terms as the Railroad brings a spy in. You’ll then be sent to help destroy the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute – and get the chance to adopt a Synth child with Shaun’s memories.

What happens if you inform the railroad and the brotherhood?

Choices and Consequences: Informing the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel. Bunker Hill. These gates will close, forcing you to fight your way around the back. It’s an easy fight, and for now you’re ignored.

Should I tell anyone about Far Harbor?

Though the game may let you, I should warn you that if you take the option to tell them AFTER you’ve dealt with the Island’s problems, the Institute or Brotherhood may show up but NPCs may be made essential to the point you cannot complete the quest.

Where to find mass fusion in Fallout 4?

Mass Fusion is an Institute main quest in Fallout 4 . Speak with Allie Filmore. Travel to the Mass Fusion building. Inform the Brotherhood. Read the terminal to locate the Beryllium agitator.

When do you get kicked out of mass fusion?

The Mass Fusion Quest takes part after Makind-Redefined when pursing the Institute Quest line. It is a moment of decision-making for the player, as if you continue you will get yourself kicked out o the Brotherhood of Steel, who also want the Beryllium Agitator found at the Mass Fusion building.

Which is the main quest in Fallout 4?

Mass Fusion is an Institute main quest in Fallout 4.

What to do with fusion cores in Fallout 4?

You can use jet to get behind them and target fusion cores, while also using critical hits on the cores so long as you can get the required 1% chance to hit by flanking them. Of course, you can also use head shots as usual. You’ll need the password and key card found in this desk to proceed.

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