Should there be a capital letter after a hyphen?

Should there be a capital letter after a hyphen?

For hyphenated compounds, it recommends: Always capitalize the first element. If the first element is merely a prefix or combining form that could not stand by itself as a word (anti, pre, etc.), do not capitalize the second element unless it is a proper noun or proper adjective.

Should ages be capitalized?

Ages and time periods with specific names are capitalized: the Bronze Age. the Middle Ages. the Jazz Age.

Should ages be hyphenated?

Summary. So to sum up, you hyphenate an age when it’s a noun or when it’s a modifier that comes before a noun. Ages are like every other compound modifier that way: you hyphenate them before the noun but not after the noun.

Is hyphen a punctuation mark?

What Is a Hyphen? A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes.

Do you capitalize after three dots?

If so, what follows is a new sentence, and it starts with a capital letter. If you think the ellipsis represents a delay within an as-yet-incomplete sentence, but you’ve decided you don’t want indicate that delay using some other punctuation (comma, semicolon, etc.), then just continue the sentence without a capital.

Should Victorian be capitalized?

However, the second noun in the phrase (e.g., era, age, or period) is lowercased: The Viking age was propelled by the Scandinavians’ exceptional ship-building skills. William Shakespeare wrote his plays during the Elizabethan era. The Victorian era is named after Queen Victoria, who reigned for over sixty-three years.

Do you capitalize 19th century?

Some grammarians capitalize Nineteenth Century because they see it as a specific time period. (Capitalize the name of a war.) With her trusty time-travel machine, Jane tried to arrive in the eighteenth century, (Optional, but most grammarians write numbered centuries in lower case.)

What is the proper way to write age?

Expressed as a number, age is always written in figures. If the age is used as an adjective or as a substitute for a noun, it should be hyphenated. Don’t use apostrophes when describing an age range. A 21-year-old student.

How do you write ages in AP style?

AP Style holds that when referencing ages you should always use figures. For example, The worker is 30 years old. My brother is 25 years old.

Is 18 years old still a child?

Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as “a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”.

Do you hyphenate Ages before or after the noun?

Ages are like every other compound modifier that way: you hyphenate them before the noun but not after the noun. [Note: Chicago style and AP style differ when it comes to ages. Chicago style is to use the word for ages 100 and lower, and AP style is to always use the numeral for ages.

Do you need to hyphenate the word fourteen?

There is no need for hyphens in “ fourteen years old .” If you are using a phrase like that to modify another word or phrase, however, you need to bind it together with hyphens (a fourteen – year – old grudge). How do you hyphenate ages?

How are hyphenated words capitalized in titles and headings?

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association doesn’t address hyphenated prefixes directly. However, one of its manuscript editors confirmed in a comment on the APA Style Blog that hyphenated words after prefixes should be lowercased in titles and headings.

When to use hyphens for year long stay?

Is year long hyphenated? Senior Member. one year – long stay means one stay which lasted a year . one- year – long stay refers to a group of stays which last one year . one year long stay is incorrect because before nouns you have to use hyphens .

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