What is the treatment for pincer nails?

What is the treatment for pincer nails?

There is no standard treatment for pincer nail. Several treatment methods, including conservative approaches and surgical methods, are used. Surgical therapy can produce a satisfactory result in cases with severe deformity; however, that invasive approach may cause severe discomfort.

What medications cause pincer nails?

Pincer nails are nails that have become deformed with an increased, transverse over-curvature, with causes ranging from fungal disease or psoriasis, medications such as beta-blockers, or tumors or cysts.

How do I get rid of granulation tissue on my toe?

Applying silver nitrate to cauterise the granulation tissue and reduce the skin fold bulk. This can, however, be a slow process and it may be more effective to remove the granulation tissue later if surgery is undertaken.

Do pincer nails hurt?

A pincer nail is a common nail deformity of toenails and is characterized by nail thickening and nail plate deformation. It often causes severe pain for patients.

Should I remove granulation tissue?

It is recognized by a friable red to dark red, often shiny and soft appearance, which is raised to the level of the surrounding skin or higher. This tissue must be removed in order for re-epithelialization to occur.

Do beta blockers cause pincer nails?

Beta-blockers have also been reported as a suspected cause of PND due to the development of pincer nails within six months of treatment and subsequent reversal after the cessation of medication.

Is there a treatment for a pincer nail?

There is no standard treatment for pincer nail. Several treatment methods, including conservative approaches and surgical methods, are used. Surgical therapy can produce a satisfactory result in cases with severe deformity; however, that invasive approach may cause severe discomfort.

What kind of deformity is a pincer nail?

Pincer nail deformity is a severe condition in which the nail bed becomes compressed and the nail shows an overcurvature. We retrospectively analyzed 13 pincer nail deformities treated using our nail plate and bed reconstruction technique.

How long do pincer nails usually last for?

The mean duration of the disorder was 7.45 years (range 0.25~40); 85% had pincer nail for at least 1 year. In addition, 40% had a history of previous treatment and recurrence. There were 82.8% patients with the common type of pincer nails. The most commonly involved nails were both great toenails.

How does dr.jellinek treat pincer nail folds?

Using 90 percent phenol in three cycles of 60 seconds each, Dr. Jellinek then performs a partial matrixectomy that addresses the widening nail growth center, and depending on how affected the nail bed is, lateral nail folds may also need to be repaired. Occasionally, the distal phalanx shows a dorsal osteophyte, which may be rongeured.

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