What is Bactakleen UltraMIST?

What is Bactakleen UltraMIST?

Bactakleen Ultra Mist Solution We offer the world’s first 2-in-1 anti-bacterial treatment system that effectively kills 99.9% of the germs and bacteria inside your vehicle, bedroom, office, toilets and kitchen.

What is Ultra Mist solution?

The UltraMIST System delivers low-frequency ultrasound to the treatment site using a noncontact fluid (e.g., saline). MIST Systems produce a low energy ultrasound-generated mist used to promote wound healing through wound.

What is Toyota BactaKlenz?

Toyota BactaKlenz is an anti-bacterial treatment proven to eliminate 99.99% of bacteria, molds, and fungi inside the vehicle. It is a Toyota Genuine Product approved by Toyota Motor Corporation.

How do you use Marvekleen?

Marvekleen can be dispensed using a pump spray bottle, humidifier (to disinfect air space in a room or a car) or wiped on a surface. It also doubles up as a hand sanitiser. Marvekleen is literally nature’s “super disinfectant”. Marvekleen has no colour, no scent and will not stain clothing.

How does Mist therapy work?

The MIST Therapy System delivers therapeutic ultrasound to the wound bed without direct contact. Saline solution is converted into fine particles and released towards the wound by sound pressure waves to remove dead or damaged tissue.

What is BactaKlenz treatment?

Toyota BactaKlenz is an anti-bacterial treatment that uses non-toxic fumes to rid your car from bacteria and fungi. We don’t just care for your car, we care for your well-being too.

What is in hypochlorous acid?

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl or HClO) is a weak acid that forms when chlorine dissolves in water, and itself partially dissociates, forming hypochlorite, ClO−. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2), are bleaches, deodorants, and disinfectants.

What is ultrasonic debridement?

Ultrasound debridement is a method of removing devitalized tissue through microstreaming and cavitational effects. The non-thermal energy up-regulates cell activity and promotes growth factor and protein synthesis, fibrinolysis, and is anti-bacterial.

What is cool mist therapy?

Historically, cool mist administration was the mainstay of treatment for croup. Hospitals had “croup rooms” filled with cool mist. Theoretically, mist moistens airway secretions, decreases their viscosity, and soothes the inflamed mucosa.

What is the meaning of BactaKlenz?

Is hypochlorous acid better than bleach?

It disinfects 200 to 300 times better than bleach and is 100% safe. Hypochlorous acid oxidises (explodes) the cell wall of all pathogens causing necrosis (rupturing of the cell) or apoptosis (programmed cell death) and destroys them. You can use hypochlorous for surface disinfection!

How does bactakleen ultra mist work on air conditioners?

BACTAKLEEN ULTRA MIST SOLUTION is developed specifically to be used only with the Ultra Mist Machine. It instantly kills up to 99% of bacteria, virus and mold spores in the air conditioning system.

What was the first product made by bactakleen?

Bactakleen’s humble beginnings with its first product the Ultra Mist saw some success which gradually grew to include new synergistic products to cover the disinfection industry on a greater capacity.

Is the bactakleen bactashield basic anti bacterial spray safe?

Bactashield Basic is completely transparent and odourless and is 100% safe on any surface. BACTAKLEEN BACTASHIELD BASIC is a non toxic water based anti bacterial and anti fungal spray that will eliminate up to 99.99% of bacteria and fungus on any surface. Bacteria and fungus spores will die with immediate contact with any treated surface.

What do you need to know about the bactakleen fog machine?

The fog machine comes with a power cord and wired remote release. The fog machine comes with a power cord and wired remote release. IMPORTANT: Bactakleen Ultra Mist Fog Machines are designed for use with specially formulated Bactakleen Ultra Mist Solutions only. Always refer to the operating manual for safe and proper use of the product.

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