What is AuthProxy?

What is AuthProxy?

AuthProxy is a plugin that takes care of the Traffic Server end of authorizing a request and delegates the authorization decision to an external HTTP service. This plugin can be used as either a global plugin or a remap plugin.

What is an LDAP proxy?

An LDAP proxy is a mediator between an LDAP client and one or more LDAP-enabled resources, generally servers. The proxy’s role is to transparently direct and transform queries to the LDAP servers, then filter responses back to the client at the time of the query.

How do I authenticate a proxy in Windows 10?

In Windows 10 menu, go to Settings (WinKey+I) and search for “Credential Manager”. Under Windows Credentials, add a new entry for Windows Credentials. Enter the Proxy Server address (without the port number), your domain user name and the password.

Does duo use RADIUS?

Duo integrates with almost any device or system that supports using RADIUS for authentication.

Is duo an identity provider?

Duo Access Gateway acts as an identity provider (IdP), authenticating your users using existing on-premises or cloud-based directory credentials and prompting for two-factor authentication before permitting access to your service provider application.

Is duo SSO?

Single sign-on (SSO) from Duo provides users with an easy and consistent login experience for any and every application, whether it’s on-premises or cloud-based. Cloud-based and hosted by Duo, it’s easy to set up and manage.

Is LDAP a server?

TL;DR: LDAP is a protocol, and Active Directory is a server. LDAP authenticates Active Directory – it’s a set of guidelines to send and receive information (like usernames and passwords) to Active Directory.

What is Linux Slapd service?

Slapd is the stand-alone LDAP daemon. It listens for LDAP connections on any number of ports (default 389), responding to the LDAP operations it receives over these connections. slapd is typically invoked at boot time, usually out of /etc/rc. local.

How do I authenticate a proxy?

When Proxy Authentication is disabled, you are only allowed to configure new policies using IP addresses….To configure user authentication method:

  1. Go to Core Settings > Connection Settings.
  2. Click the Proxy Authentication switch to enable.
  3. In the Proxy Authentication area, select one of the following options:

Is Duo mobile VPN?

Duo Security’s IPsec integration works with Cisco’s desktop VPN client, and the SSL VPN integration works with desktop and mobile AnyConnect clients.

Does duo support OIDC?

Duo Access Gateway (DAG) supports Microsoft OpenID Connect (OIDC) and Google OIDC authentication sources, but only federates to applications with SAML 2.0.

What do you need to know about Auth proxy?

This allows you to put users into specific teams automatically. To support the feature, auth proxy allows optional headers to map additional user attributes. The specific attribute to support team sync is Groups. You use the X-WEBAUTH-GROUPS header to send the team information for each user.

How do I update my authentication proxy software?

Launch the Authentication Proxy installer as a user with administrator rights (close the Event Viewer first if you have it open) and follow the prompts to update your existing Authentication Proxy software. The upgrade retains the conf and log folders and contents from your current installation.

Where do I install duo security authentication proxy?

Duo supports installing the Authentication Proxy on Windows Server 2012 and later, which are 64-bit operating systems. The installation file path has changed accordingly, from C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Duo Security Authentication Proxy in previous versions to C:\\Program Files\\Duo Security Authentication Proxy.

How does Auth proxy work in Grafana labs?

To support the feature, auth proxy allows optional headers to map additional user attributes. The specific attribute to support team sync is Groups. You use the X-WEBAUTH-GROUPS header to send the team information for each user. Specifically, the set of Grafana’s group IDs that the user belongs to.

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