Which of the following are good uses of SSML for enhancing the conversation?

Which of the following are good uses of SSML for enhancing the conversation?

SSML has many use cases that make it ideal for enhancing interaction with humans, especially when creating chatbots or voice applications. For example, you can use SSML to improve the sound of your Alexa bot or to enhance the text-to-speech feature for a Cortana bot.

What is SSML syntax?

SSML is a markup language that provides a standard way to mark up text for the generation of synthetic speech. The Alexa Skills Kit supports a subset of the tags defined in the SSML specification. The specific tags supported are listed in Supported SSML Tags.

What is the meaning of SSML?

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)

What type of audio format supports speech synthesis?

To transcribe audio files using FLAC encoding, you must provide them in the . FLAC file format, which includes a header containing metadata. Note: Speech-to-Text supports WAV files with LINEAR16 or MULAW encoded audio….Supported audio encodings.

Name μ-law
Lossless No
Usage Notes 8-bit PCM encoding


Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) is an XML-based markup language for speech synthesis applications.

How can you change the voice used in speech synthesis?

To use a voice, set the voice property on your SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance to the desired SpeechSynthesisVoice object. The example below shows how to do this. var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(‘Hello Treehouse’); var voices = window. speechSynthesis.

What are the main digital audio types?

The most popular digital audio formats are: AAC, MP3, Ogg, Vorbis, WAV, FLAC, and WMA.

What is a voice synthesizer in music?

A vocal synthesizer is easily defined as ‘an electronic instrument that generates and combines the basic elements of sound to produce simulated speech, typically used in computer systems. ‘

What does SSML stand for in speech synthesis?

SSML, or Speech Synthesis Markup Language, provides users with a standardized method for controlling different aspects of speech synthesis output.

Can You Send SSML in a text to speech request?

You can send Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) in your Text-to-Speech request to allow for more customization in your audio response by providing details on pauses, and audio formatting for acronyms, dates, times, abbreviations, or text that should be censored. See the Speech-to-Text SSML tutorial for more information and code samples.

Why is my SSML not speaking to assistant?

Because text inside the tag won’t be spoken by Assistant, you can insert filler text or a short description in your tag to meet this requirement. Text inside the tag won’t be spoken by Assistant after the audio plays, and meets Action on Google’s requirement for a display text version of your SSML.

Which is the current version of the SSML specification?

Indicates the version of the SSML specification used to interpret the document markup. The current version is 1.0. Specifies the language of the root document. The value can contain a lowercase, two-letter language code (for example, en ), or the language code and uppercase country/region (for example, en-US ).

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